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About cy163

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  1. Hi ALL I am using FusionChart for Flex. I found that I can onlyn use the property 'FCDataXML' to get the XML string, but noooot with the method 'FCSetDataXML'. Please help. I have not been able to solve this problem for a long time.
  2. Fusionchart With Visual C++ Via Flex

    Common Question implyes this is BUG???????? I see that another user had encounter the same problem. He discribed his problem in the following post No data to display when number of records exceeds 35 for a single series chart in flex
  3. Fusionchart With Visual C++ Via Flex

    when I set FC1.FCDebugMode = true, I got the following message Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 652 Initial Height: 659 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.1.1 Chart Type: Single Series 3D Column Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT TOOLTIP VLINES VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. However, the DOM Id of chart has not been defined. You need to define it if you want to interact with the chart using external scripting. WARNING: Could not find dataXML or dataURL parameter. Setting empty data for the chart. ERROR: No data to display. There isn't any node/element in the XML document. Please check if your dataURL is properly URL Encoded or, if XML has been correctly embedded in case of dataXML. No Data to Display: No data was found in the XML data document provided. Possible cases can be: There isn't any data generated by your system. If your system generates data based on parameters passed to it using dataURL, please make sure dataURL is URL Encoded. You might be using a Single Series Chart .swf file instead of Multi-series .swf file and providing multi-series data or vice-versa.
  4. Hi ALL, I am using FusionChart with Visual C++ to illustrate statistical reuslts(Column chart, Pie chart, etc.,). The statistical results are generated in VC side and then are passed into a FLEX swf file, which is created based on FusionChart by using FLEX Builder 3 SDK. Essentially, the system follows data driven mechanism. Data generated in VC box drives the renderring of charts in the flex flash side. The FLEX flash *.swf file is generated in the FLEX Builder 3 SDK. The following mxml file is a main file contained in the corresponding FLEX project. Attachments are VC side source code(testFlash_VC3.rar, generating statistical result and pass the result to flash) and FLEX source code(, generating flash file) <!-- events/TrapAllKeys.mxml --> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="com.fusioncharts.components.*" creationComplete="initApp();"> <ns1:FusionCharts x="0" y="0" width="652" height="659" id="FC1"/> <!--FCDataXML="{xmlData}" FCDataURL="Data6.xml" FCChartType="Pie3D" --> <mx:Script><![CDATA[ import com.dynamicflash.util.Base64; import com.fusioncharts.components.FCChartData; import; import mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher; import mx.controls.Alert; import; import; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import; import flash.external.*; var xmlDataSourceName : XML; //callCPPlus to trigger ExternalInterface event OnFlashCallShockwaveflash4001 on VC side will response public function callCPPlus() : XML { var str : String = ""; if (ExternalInterface.available) { str ="returnToFlex", "dummyinfo"); } else {"fail","Alarm"); } var myXML:XML = new XML(str);//把str中的内容传给myXML return myXML; } private function initApp():void { xmlDataSourceName : XML; xmlDataSourceName = callCPPlus(); Security.allowDomain("*"); if(xmlDataSourceName.ChartData.length() > 0) { var decoded:String = Base64.decode(xmlDataSourceName.ChartData[0]);//xmlDataSourceName.ChartData[0] }"Base64=!" + decoded); FC1.FCDataXML = decoded;// //FC1.FCDataXML = "<chart caption='ABC Bank Branches' subCaption='(In Asian Countries亚洲【中国香港1)' yaxislabel='Branches' xaxislabel='Country'><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/></chart>"; FC1.FCChartType = xmlDataSourceName.FlashType[0]; //FC1.FCChartType = "Column2D";//Column2D Pie3D } ]]></mx:Script> </mx:Application> NOTE: str ="returnToFlex", "dummyinfo"); here, str receive the value sent from the VC side by using the SetReturnValue() function in the void CTestFlash_VCDlg::OnFlashCallShockwaveflash4001(LPCTSTR request) member funciton. It works fine, but not when ‘str’ is longer than a certain number of characters, (e.g. str="<chart caption='ABC Bank Branches' subCaption='(In Asian Countries亚洲【中国香港1)' yaxislabel='Branches' xaxislabel='Country'><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/><set label='New York' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/></chart>" ) It works fine again if remove some <set……/> nodes (e.g. <set label='Hong Kong' value='345' link=\"S-Week 4\"/>) from the XML string. Also, it works fine if I assign the above long string to FC1.FCDataXML directly in the mxml file, (not passed from the VC side). I cannot figure out why. Please help me. The problem has stucked me for a long time.
  5. actually, i am using FusionChart V3 for FLEX. I would like to notify FLEX which pie chart section or column is clicked.
  6. Hi All I would like to pass the info on which column (column chart) or pie section (pie chart) is clicked back to the web container, so that the app can work in a interactive way. How to do this. Thanks
  7. Hi ALL Can fusionchart free, fusionchart V3, PowerCharts,FusionWidgets, FusionMaps be used with Visual C++ 6.0 to build a desktop application. thanks
  8. Hi, All I am using RealTimeStackedArea2D.swf. In my case, I would like to hide the y-axis value labels. How to do this. Thanks Felix
  9. Thanks you, Basundhara Ghosal, for your kind help. furthermore, i would like to know if RealTimeStackedArea2D and StackedArea2D is interchangible without modifying those attributes for <chart .....>. My experiment showed that it they are not. I am not sure.
  10. Santa, Thank you. Your message is very helpful. Felix
  11. Hi ALL I am using RealTimeStackedArea2D.swf to show a book sale statistics indicating how many books are saled in different monthes. The graph is showed correctly. However, there is a strange line of text which is located between the x-axis labels (Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May.....Dec)and x-axis name (Month). The line looks like Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec <-- x-axis labels $0, $1, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0,$0,....$0 <-----strange line Month <------ x-axis Name Legend block I do not know the meaning of the line and how to remove it. Thanks By the way, I wonder what's the difference between RealTimeStackedArea2D and StackedArea2D Thanks
  12. Hi ALL, I wonder if the font size of Caption attribute of StackedArea2d is configurable and how. Thanks cy163
  13. Thank you Supreme Being for your reply.You said the tooTip can be used with achors. So, I wonder if I can associate hyperlinks with areas of a stacked area chart to make tooltip appear. e.g., <set value='xxxx' link='n-abc.jsp' />
  14. Hello All, (1) I have tried to show a stacked area chart successfully. I looks like However, i would like it to have smooth curve just like (2) How to show tooltip on areas of a chart? I mean the tooltip text will show up when the mouse hovers over any point within an area. Currently, the tooltip shows up only when the mouse hovers over particular points (axis/scale points) on the curve. I have tried to use TOOLTEXT attribute with <set ....>,but no luck. Could anyone help me do these. Thanks
  15. I found that stacked area chart is under FusionWidget package, and from the link shown above, I saw "FusionCharts can be easily and extensively used to create drill-down charts. All the charts in FusionCharts v3 suite support drill down for data elements....". I wonder if this implies that Drill_down function is not supported by "Stacked Area Chart" which is under FusionWidget insead of under FusionChart.