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Everything posted by cfarleyaz

  1. We have some dashboards that could have 20-30 charts on a single view. All of the charts load the data via jsonurl, the json data returns fairly quick per chart (average 40-50ms), but you notice a visible lag in the charts appearing. It seems that none of the charts will render/appear until all 20-30 of them have received/processed the data. When you load the page, all the charts have the loading message (ie. Loading charts, please wait) for 20 or more seconds, then they all appear at the same time. Are there any options to load the charts more asynchronously or as they are ready? Currently we have the FusionCharts.ready function at the bottom of the BODY and inside render each chart: new FusionCharts({...settings...}).render(); We've also tried the jQuery library and those methods, but doesn't seem to make a difference, think that's doing the same thing. Running v3.10.1 and mostly using Charts, but may have a couple Widgets mixed in on some dashboards. Is this simply a drawback from loading all charts via ajax/jsonurl? Cannot find any methods/options in the docs to change this, or are there recommendations for having a page with this many charts? Sorry if this is covered in another thread, I've searched for a while and couldn't find anything.
  2. 20+ charts on dashboard rendering time

    Hi, your implementation in the fiddle is pretty much exactly what we are doing, the difference being the data format is jsonurl, so in your example it would be making 4 ajax calls. We don't have any notable performance issues with 4 charts, but when it's upwards of 20 it's noticeable. None of the charts will render until all 20+ have loaded the data & they all appear at the same time. I am trying to determine if there's a more asynchronous method to display the charts, so Chart 1 will show once it's got it's data, regardless if Chart 15 is finished. Are there any recommended approaches for this?