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About francofranchi

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    Forum Newbie
  1. YAxisMinValue doesn't works

    Hi, I've a problem with a line chart, I'm trying to set the minimum value for my chart but every setting was ignored. I setted setAdaptiveYmin to 1 but my chart always start from 100 although my min value is 250. so i tryed to force my min value using YAxisMinValue setted to 200 but I had no luck. If I replace the minimum value in the json with a value biggest than 290 the chart scale was plot correctly. Please help me... I'm banging my head on the keyboard... Below my code: FusionCharts.ready(function () { FusionCharts.printManager.enabled(true); FusionCharts['debugger'].outputFormat('verbose'); FusionCharts['debugger'].enable(true, function (message) { console.log(message); }); var currentChart = new FusionCharts({ "type": "multiaxisline", "renderAt": "price-graph-sindex", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "dataFormat": "json", "dataSource":{ "chart": { "showValues": 0, "showAnchors": 0, "connectNullData": 0, "labelStep": 10, "canvasBgAlpha": 0, "bgColor": "#FFFFFF", "bgAlpha": "0", "bgImage": "http://dev6-rm/img/logo_siderweb_grafici.png", "bgImageDisplayMode": "center", "anchorAlpha": 50, "setAdaptiveYMin": 1, "showLegend": "0", "allowSelection": "0", "YAxisMinValue" : 200, "YAxisMaxValue" : 400, "theme": "fint" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "08/07/2015" }, { "label": "22/07/2015" }, { "label": "05/08/2015" }, { "label": "02/09/2015" }, { "label": "16/09/2015" }, { "label": "30/09/2015" }, { "label": "14/10/2015" }, { "label": "28/10/2015" }, { "label": "11/11/2015" }, { "label": "25/11/2015" }, { "label": "09/12/2015" }, { "label": "16/12/2015" }, { "label": "13/01/2016" }, { "label": "27/01/2016" }, { "label": "10/02/2016" }, { "label": "24/02/2016" }, { "label": "09/03/2016" }, { "label": "23/03/2016" }, { "label": "06/04/2016" }, { "label": "20/04/2016" }, { "label": "04/05/2016" }, { "label": "18/05/2016" } ] } ], "axis": [ { "tickWidth": "10", "numberSuffix": " -", "divlineDashed": 0, "divlineColor": "#ccc", "vDivlineDashed": 0, "vDivlineColor": "#ccc", "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "Valore", "lineThickness": "3", "data": [{ "value": 300 },{ "value": 320 },{ "value": 380 },{ "value": 350 },{ "value": 300 }, { "value": 300 },{ "value": 250 },{ "value": 320 },{ "value": 380 },{ "value": 350 }, { "value": 300 },{ "value": 300 },{ "value": 320 },{ "value": 380 },{ "value": 350 }, { "value": 300 },{ "value": 300 },{ "value": 320 },{ "value": 380 },{ "value": 350 }, { "value": 300 },{ "value": 300 }] } ] } ] } }); currentChart.render(); });