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About brownflower

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    Forum Newbie
  1. FusionCharts Struts2 Example

    Okay....found the problem. <chart> :crazy: tag is the real culprit here, I changed the DAO's to return XML as <graph> now everything looks fine. ThankQ
  2. FusionCharts Struts2 Example

    Here's the XML being generated. <chart caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Units' animation='1'><set label='Factory 1' value='644' link='Detailed.action?FactoryId=1' /><set label='Factory 2' value='2644' link='Detailed.action?FactoryId=2' /><set label='Factory 3' value='1252' link='Detailed.action?FactoryId=3' /></chart> I set the debug mode to 'true' , but how this will help in debug (where can I see the debug info on setting this to 'true') Also, I'm seeing the following error in Tomcat logs, will it make any difference ? AbandonedObjectPool is used (org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.AbandonedObjectPool@10dbef1) LogAbandoned: false RemoveAbandoned: true RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 30 Please help.
  3. FusionCharts Struts2 Example

    Hello, Thanks for the Struts2 integration code. But I'm not able to get the expected result when I run this example. I've placed the necessary FusionCharts JS file and SWF file to FusionCharts folder. While running the application I'm seeing XMLString getting populaed but the frame shows "No Data to Display" Message. Please could you help me understand the issue. Thanks again.