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Everything posted by splace

  1. Hi, we're trying to load a page with 3 sets of Pie Charts and associated Grid Charts. After upgrading from 3.3.1 to 3.11.2, the pie charts now render okay, but the associated Grid Charts are stuck at "Loading Chart. Please wait." Checking the chart object with the javascript console: The state object reports:dataAvailable: true dataReady: undefined dataSetDuringConstruction: true rendering: true hasRendered() returns false If I call .render() on the chart, all 3 of the "stuck" grid charts render properly, but the chart I called render() on throws 2 errors: fusioncharts.js:456 Error: <tspan> attribute dy: Expected length, "NaN". fusioncharts.js:70 Uncaught DesignTimeError: #25081843 WebUrlsReportsGrid.render Error >> #25081843:IECompatibility() Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. Variable naming error. Please use unique name forchart JS variable, chart-id and container id. Anyone have any ideas so I don't have to manually call "render" to get these to load? Elsewhere, we're using Grid Charts and even with the new version, these charts render properly automatically. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Spencer P.S. Chart Data: <chart bordercolor="FFFFFF" listrowdividercolor="666666" listrowdividerthickness="1" listrowdivideralpha="0.15" colorboxwidth="12" colorboxheight="12" colorboxpadding="4" valuecolumnpadding="4" alternaterowbgcolor="FFFFFF" numberitemsperpage="5" formatnumberscale="0" showvalues="0" showborder="0" bgalpha="100" bgcolor="FFFFFF" canvasborderthickness="0" canvasbgcolor="E1E1E1" plotbordercolor="FFFFFF" plotborderthickness="0" showplotborder="0" palettecolors="F7BD01,AED9FB,8ABD00,FF903E,008E90,D94543,904391,57861C,B2AC00,008CD9,9E0300" showalternatehgridcolor="false"> <set label="www.webex.com " value="0.04" /> <set label="www.checkpoint.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="www.avg.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="s.huffpost.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="s-passets-ec.pinimg.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="fe2.update.microsoft.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="i.huffpost.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="ia.media-imdb.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="tools.google.com " value="0.01" /> <set label="apis.google.com " value="0.01" /> </chart>"
  2. After using a fusioncharts eventlistener hack to get the charts to render, I've discovered more details. It seems this issue only occurs on our page when a pie2d chart and an ssgrid chart render on the same page at the same time, using the same data (see attached screenshots). It looks like there may be some kind of internal race condition or namespace conflict, but the fusioncharts.ssgrid.js file is not automatically loaded initially on pageload when these two charts are rendered, thus the ssgrid charts on the page cannot render. After the page has finished loading, calling ".render()" on the chart object will cause it to render with the aforementioned errors displayed in the javascript console. Manually including the fusioncharts.ssgrid.js file when the page loads seems to correct the issue, but is somewhat inefficient as not many pages actually require this file to be loaded or to display any charts at all. Additionally, please see my updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/qyc5chwk/4/ Thanks, Spencer.
  3. Also of note, I've enabled the debugger for these charts and see all the pie charts reporting events firing, but not one for any of the grid charts. -Spencer