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About rhjariwala

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  1. Hello Guys, We are facing weird problem of displaying labels for Scroll Combination 2d (Dual) axis chart when scrollToEnd = '1'. It does scroll to end but the problem is all the beginning labels are cluttered. Please see attached JPG file for the problem how chart labels for x-axis having problem: Here is the xml that we using: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <chart caption='Weekly' subcaption='' xAxisName='' palette='2' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='$' labelDisplay = 'WRAP' numberSuffix='' showSecondaryLimits='0' showValues='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' borderColor='FFFFFF' anchorRadius='2' anchorBorderThickness='6' sNumberPrefix='' sNumberSuffix='' showDivLineSecondaryValue='0' sYAxisValueDecimals ='2' yAxisValueDecimals = '2' legendPosition='BOTTOM' scrollToEnd = '1'> <categories> <category label='Week #4 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #5 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #6 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #7 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #8 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #9 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #10 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #11 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #12 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #13 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #14 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #15 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #16 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #17 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #18 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #19 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #20 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #21 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #22 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #23 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #24 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #25 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #26 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #27 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #28 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #29 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #30 of 2011'/> <category label='Week #31 of 2011'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Promo Sales $ @ Retail(2011 - 2011)' renderAs='Line' > <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #4 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #5 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #6 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #7 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #8 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #9 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #10 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #11 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #12 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #13 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #14 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #15 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #16 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #17 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #18 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #19 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #20 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #21 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #22 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #23 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #24 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #25 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #26 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #27 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #28 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='0.0000' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #29 of 2011, $0' /> <set value='3754707.0100' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #30 of 2011, $3,754,707' /> <set value='1693418.7800' toolText = 'Promo Sales $ @ Retail, Week #31 of 2011, $1,693,419' /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type='font' name='CaptionFont' color='#333' size='15' /> <style type='font' name='SubCaptionFont' bold='0' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='caption' styles='CaptionFont' /> <apply toObject='SubCaption' styles='SubCaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  2. Is it something like you guys can add it and released patch version for that chart only? Regards, Ritesh Jariwala
  3. Hi Angshu, thing is that i dont want multiple i want exact one selection, so if user try to draw another one first one automatically delete, is there any property to control it ? Regards, Ritesh Jariwala
  4. I want to limit selection box to just 1 on select scatter plot chart. Right now we can draw multiple selection box on select scatter plot chart, i want it such a way so one selection box is there if i try to draw new then old should automatically deleted or remove. So user can only draw one selection box at a time, is it possible? Thanks Ritesh Jariwala