Cristi S.

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Everything posted by Cristi S.

  1. Add the Step Area chart type

    Thanks, Prerana, but no, your fiddle shows rather a histogram. A simple "step area chart" in google returns, in first page alone, examples from many of your competitors: Google Charts, AnyChart, CanvasJS, Infragistics, DevExpress, amCharts. And this is what I see in Google Images... Cheers, Cristian
  2. Fill Pie chart clockwise

    Thanks Ayan. But I was not talking about animation... In your fiddle, the Teenage slice is first from the top-right in most other apps, not the top-left. But this gave me an idea anyway: it seems enough to reverse the order of data points before sending it to the chart, to get it clockwise! See the same fiddle with one simple reverse() call. Cheers, Cristian
  3. I tried "options.dataSource.dataset[0].lineThickness = 5;", but it does not seem to work. I still get a series with 1px line. Same for "thickness". Regards, -Cristian
  4. How do you set line's thickness?

    I'll bother with another related question, if you don't mind please... What about the line thickness in a candlestick chart, for the little stick going out of each candle? I tried with lineThickness, or even borderWidth, and no luck so far. (It worked fine setting the bear/bullFillColor and bear/bullBorderColor) Thanks, Cristian
  5. How do you set line's thickness?

    Thanks, Ayan, it looks great.
  6. I see that's an old topic, but the limitation is still there. I would suggest a quick alternative solution for most single chart types (like Bar or Column): use instead the related multi-chart type, but with one single series. I.e., use mscolumn2d instead of column2d, mscolumn3d instead of column3d, msbar2d instead of bar2d, msbar3d instead of bar3d etc.
  7. patterns for chart fill

    Please reconsider implementing this feature, it is a usability issue. For people having trouble recognizing plain image fills, patterns may help distinguish between different series. It's also good when you need printing but you have just black ink. The feature has been there for a long time in Highcharts, AnyChart, amCharts and Microsoft Chart, to name just a few. Cheers, Cris