In my code I am making jsp calls to get real time data and would like to trap error conditions like when the JSP server is unavailable. I have been looking at the widgets documentation under "JavaScript events raised by the chart " and tried to implement using the example code but could not get it to work.
See attached file Chart.txt for my code.
I can definitely see the alert boxes for FC_Rendered and FC_DataLoaded when charts are first loaded.
The XML file notLoad.xml contains URL to JSP and makes call every 5 seconds. Let us say all components are up and running then my charts are all displayed properly. Now if I shut down the jsp server, the chart remains frozen at the last displayed value. I am trying to catch such condition and display an error message or take some other route.
Realtime data source in the XML
dataStreamURL='chart.jsp?name=value' refreshInterval='5'
Can you guys help me with this.