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About liyaqatm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. LinearGauge Label Overlapping

    Hi, Thanks for the response, although not sure if this will fix my problem.
  2. Hi, I seem to be having an issue with the lineargauge. The problem I am experiencing is that the text within the colours on the gauge is not always visibile if two section are very small. Please refer to the attached screenshot. I heard the other charts have "smart labels" is this available as well? Kind regards,
  3. List of Common Fields Across All Charts

    I added the following fields...seem safe for pie and lineargauge showBorder Boolean borderColor Color borderThickness Number borderAlpha Number bgColor Color bgAlpha Number bgRatio Number bgAngle Number bgSWF String bgSWFAlpha Number showVLineLabelBorder Boolean logoURL String logoAlpha Number logoScale Number logoLink String baseFont String baseFontSize Number baseFontColor Color showToolTip Boolean toolTip String toolTipBgColor Color toolTipBorderColor Color toolTipSepChar String showToolTipShadow Boolean captionPadding Number
  4. List of Common Fields Across All Charts

    Yup the docs are great, but what i was looking for (without physically going through each chart type and finding common attributes) is a a list of common attributes :-)
  5. I am currently developing a system that uses almost any type of Fusion Chart. What I required is a list of common attributes shared across all charts. Reason for this is because I have the following structure: Chart PieChart Extends Chart LinearGaugeChart Extends Chart So I would like to store all the commonly shared attributes like caption, charttopmargin etc. Thanks !
  6. FusionCharts JSF-All Tag Libraries & Samples

    Hi, I had a question around the BackingBean Example, does it specify the filename of the xml file in this line: filename="#{exampleChartData.filename}" Does this imply we need to have this file and we cannot stream raw XML into this template? Apologies if i sound a bit confusing I cannot access all the classes to look more into it. Thanks