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Everything posted by simeon

  1. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    I have given the drilldown url through the click url. My url encoded properly with UTF-8 format i am getting junk values while loading
  2. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    I tried the following code byte[] utf8Bom = new byte[]{(byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0xbf}; String utf8BomStr = new String(utf8Bom,"UTF-8"); xmlData.append(utf8BomStr+"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"); xmlData.append("<Chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='"+i_maxValue+"'");......
  3. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    I have added the BOM characer before the dataXML. Now also while drill down querystring chinease characters are changed to chunk values.pls help me to fix the problem
  4. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    Hi, I dont know how do include that BOM. I have attached the code with this. Pls do the necessary changes and give it to me. I will use this as a sample and i will fix the problem in other charts also. dial.txt
  5. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    sorry, i am using dataXML to feed data to fusion. How can i use the BOM mark? i need one example. shall i get it now?
  6. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    i am using dataURL to load data. Shall i get one example for BOM?
  7. 2D Bar value placed inside

    Hi, 2D Bar values are placed inside the bar . But i have specified "placeValuesInside='0'" this attribute. any one help me
  8. 2D Bar value placed inside

    Every time we can't calculate the distance of bar and value and width of the swf. We expect it should be automatted according to the values. in this also you can reduce the bar width(you can increase the value/width interval)
  9. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    Actually i have identified the problem exactly. Actually i have one double byte charachter(Chines) while forming the xml i have decoded that url(for ClickUrl attribute). so every thing is fine. what happening is, if i use mozilla firefox browser ,the encoded values are decoded when loding the flash image. when i drill down from the flash image , decoded url only used. so I am getting junk values in the server page.
  10. 2D Bar value placed inside

    Previously we used easy charts(,in that if we give value display outside . It displayed the values outside the bar properly.
  11. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="180" height="120" id="StackedColumn3D" > <param name="movie" value="/final/FusionCharts/swf/AngularGauge.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataXML=<Chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' fillAngle='60' majorTMNumber='6' majorTMHeight='8' majorTMColor='e5e5e5' minorTMColor='e5e5e5' minorTMHeight='4' minorTMNumber='6' majorTMThickness='1' markerRadius='30' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='65' gaugeOriginX='90' gaugeOriginY='90' gaugeInnerRadius='0' formatNumberScale='0' displayValueDistance='0' decimalPrecision='2' tickMarkDecimalPrecision='2' tickValueDistance='14' pivotRadius='6' showPivotBorder='1' pivotBorderColor='000000' pivotBorderThickness='5' pivotFillMix='FFFFFF,000000' paletteThemeColor='ffffff' pivotFillType='linear' showToolTip='1' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartBottomMargin='0' chartTopMargin='0' baseFontColor='000000' adjustTM='0' borderAlpha='0' bgAlpha='_alpha' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBgColor='ffffff' toolTipBorderColor='555555'><colorRange><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='20.0' code='9E0142'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='40.0' code='D53E4F'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='60.0' code='F46D43'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='80.0' code='B45000'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='100.0' code='E6AB02'/></colorRange><dials><dial value='22.0' borderAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' baseWidth='5' topWidth='1' radius='60'/></dials><annotations><annotationGroup id='Grp1' ><annotation type='text' x='90' y='108' fontColor='black' isbold='1' label='c1d0' /></annotationGroup></annotations></Chart>&chartWidth=180&chartHeight=120"> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> <embed wmode="transparent" src="/final/FusionCharts/swf/AngularGauge.swf" flashVars="&dataXML=<Chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' fillAngle='60' majorTMNumber='6' majorTMHeight='8' majorTMColor='e5e5e5' minorTMColor='e5e5e5' minorTMHeight='4' minorTMNumber='6' majorTMThickness='1' markerRadius='30' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='65' gaugeOriginX='90' gaugeOriginY='90' gaugeInnerRadius='0' formatNumberScale='0' displayValueDistance='0' decimalPrecision='2' tickMarkDecimalPrecision='2' tickValueDistance='14' pivotRadius='6' showPivotBorder='1' pivotBorderColor='000000' pivotBorderThickness='5' pivotFillMix='FFFFFF,000000' paletteThemeColor='ffffff' pivotFillType='linear' showToolTip='1' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartBottomMargin='0' chartTopMargin='0' baseFontColor='000000' adjustTM='0' borderAlpha='0' bgAlpha='_alpha' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBgColor='ffffff' toolTipBorderColor='555555'><colorRange><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='20.0' code='9E0142'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='40.0' code='D53E4F'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='60.0' code='F46D43'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='80.0' code='B45000'/><color minValue='0.0' maxValue='100.0' code='E6AB02'/></colorRange><dials><dial value='22.0' borderAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' baseWidth='5' topWidth='1' radius='60'/></dials><annotations><annotationGroup id='Grp1' ><annotation type='text' x='90' y='108' fontColor='black' isbold='1' label='c1d0' /></annotationGroup></annotations></Chart>" quality="high" width="180" height="120" name="Column3D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object>
  12. Angular charts not rendering in Sunsoloris

    sorry, i have made a mistake. now i find that mistake
  13. 2D Bar value placed inside

    I have given "adjustDiv='1'". So the graph itself do the necessary thinks. Like it have to manage the yAxixMaxValue and barwidth. am i right?