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About mjames

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    Junior Member
  1. Treemap chart

    Ok, i have fined this: https://www.fusioncharts.com/chart-primers/treemap-chart/
  2. Treemap chart

  3. Treemap chart

    Hi all, i have try to implement a treemap chart but in fields value i have negative data. I have see in official documents that a negative value is use in a sValue field, is true? I can't use negative data in value field? Thank you all for your help. This is my json file: "data":[ [ { "label":"Macrocategoria", "fillcolor":"8c8c8c", "value":100, "data":[ { "label":"Azionario", "value":69, "data":[ { "label":"Titolo 5", "value":"40,0%", "sValue":"5,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 6", "value":"18,0%", "sValue":"6,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 7", "value":"-2,0%", "sValue":"7,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 8", "value":"13,0%", "sValue":"8,0%" } ] }, { "label":"Obbligazionario", "value":31, "data":[ { "label":"Titolo 1", "value":"10,0%", "sValue":"1,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 2", "value":"5,0%", "sValue":"2,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 3", "value":"15,0%", "sValue":"3,0%" }, { "label":"Titolo 4", "value":"1,0%", "sValue":"4,0%" } ] } ] } ] ], "colorrange":{ "mapbypercent":"1", "gradient":"1", "minvalue":"1,0%", "code":"6da81e", "startlabel":"Decline", "endlabel":"Rise", "color":[ { "code":"ffffff", "maxvalue":4, "label":"Static" }, { "code":"e24b1a", "maxvalue":"8,0%", "label":"AVERAGE" } ] }
  4. Pie Chart with drill down

    I have found this exaple: http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/mwu41mug/
  5. Pie Chart with drill down

    Hi Ayan, i can ask you a question? I can implement a drill down function with a different chart for each level? For example, i can draw first chart with a pie and a second chart with a doughnuts? Thank you for your patience.
  6. Table chart

    Hi, it's a beautiful idea. Thank you for your help. Good bye
  7. Table chart

    Hi, everyone, today i should create a chart thath it have form of table. I have search in documents of fusion charts but i don't have see nothing. Do you have an idea with i can implement this function?
  8. Pie Chart with drill down

    Hi, thank you for your help.
  9. Pie Chart with drill down

    Hi everyone, there is a pie chart with function of drill down? I have try in your gallery but i do not have see nothing. Thank you.
  10. Excel formatting

    OK, thank you so much.
  11. Excel formatting

    Good morning, I wondered if it was possible to format the excel sheet after export; You may choose the decimal number by aligning the cells to the right or left, and so on. Thank you all.
  12. Hi, i have tried to search a graph with zoomline animation but this does not exist. It's correct? It's not implemented yet?
  13. Hi, i have try to search a graph with zoomline animation but this doesn't exist. It's correct? Thankyou so much for your response.
  14. Always very kind. Today, I'll be checking and then I'll let you know. Good day and thank you again.
  15. This is my XML, but now i have see that the charts not have animation. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart caption"caption" numberprefix="" plotgradientcolor="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" showalternatehgridcolor="0" divlinecolor="CCCCCC" showvalues="0" showcanvasborder="0" canvasborderalpha="0" canvasbordercolor="CCCCCC" canvasborderthickness="1" useRoundEdges="1" yaxismaxvalue="" setAdaptiveYMin="1" captionpadding="30" linethickness="3" yaxisvaluespadding="15" legendshadow="0" legendborderalpha="0" showLegend="1" palettecolors="#f8bd19,#008ee4,#33bdda,#e44a00,#6baa01,#583e78" showborder="0" logoURL="http://*****.png" logoPosition="TL" logoAlpha="50" logoScale="100" exportFileName="Indice_della_ragione_di_scambio___Conigli" animation="1" chartRightMargin="0" chartLeftMargin="0" exportEnabled="1" decimals="2" decimalSeparator="," thousandSeparator="." numberPrefix="" numberSuffix="" numberScaleValue="1000,1000,1000" numberScaleUnit="Mgl,Mio,Mld" forceDecimals="2" yAxisName="Base 2010=100"><categories><category label="Mag 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Giu 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Lug 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Ago 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Set 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Ott 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Nov 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Dic 2016" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Gen 2017" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Feb 2017" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Mar 2017" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Apr 2017" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /><category label="Mag 2017" stepskipped="false" appliedsmartlabel="true" labeltooltext="" /></categories><dataset seriesName="Indice Prezzi"><set value="77.8155" /><set value="81.6988" /><set value="77.3936" /><set value="76.2582" /><set value="92.9005" /><set value="117.3" /><set value="129.265" /><set value="126.81" /><set value="104.062" /><set value="93.0585" /><set value="99.8359" /><set value="102.165" /><set value="98.3108" /></dataset><dataset seriesName="Indice Costi"><set value="94.0203" /><set value="94.0203" /><set value="92.6672" /><set value="92.6672" /><set value="92.6672" /><set value="93.3232" /><set value="93.389" /><set value="93.5634" /><set value="93.9702" /><set value="93.9702" /><set value="93.9702" /><set value="93.9702" /><set /></dataset><dataset seriesName="Ragione di Scambio"><set value="82.7646" /><set value="86.8949" /><set value="83.5179" /><set value="82.2926" /><set value="100.252" /><set value="125.692" /><set value="138.415" /><set value="135.533" /><set value="110.739" /><set value="99.0298" /><set value="106.242" /><set value="108.72" /><set /></dataset></chart>