Steve L

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Everything posted by Steve L

  1. Prerana, Thank you very much for your very quick response. With your help, the chart now renders correctly.
  2. I am using the PHP Wrapper to create a multi series 3d column chart with the below constructor. The data is charted correctly on the attached chart, however the chart is missing the caption, subcaption, YAxis label and export button. $RptName, $Caption, $XAxisName and $YAxisName all contain alpha numeric data with no special characters. The version of FusionCharts XT suite is v3.12.2. My json is attached. Thank you in advance for your assistance. $arrData = array( "chart" => array( "caption"=> $RptName, "subCaption"=> $Caption, "xAxisname"=>$XAxisName, "yAxisName"=> $YAxisName, "showLabels"=> "1", "exportEnabled"=> "1", "showPrintMenuItem"=> "1", "exportAction"=> "download", "exportFormats"=> "PNG=Export as High Quality Image|JPG|PDF=Export as PDF File", "exportShowMenuItem"=> "1", "exportFileName"=> $RptName . ' ' . $StartingDate . ' thru ' . $EndingDate, "paletteColors"=> "#0075c2,#1aaf5d", "showLabel"=> "1", "legendBgAlpha"=> "0", "legendBorderAlpha"=> "0", "legendShadow"=> "0", "legendItemFontSize"=> "10", "legendItemFontColor"=> "#666666", "theme"=> "fint" ) ); $arrMultiSeriesData = $_SESSION['arrMultiSeriesData']; $jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrMultiSeriesData); // chart object $Cht = new FusionCharts("mscolumn3d", "theChart" , 780, 390, "chart-1", "json", $jsonEncodedData); $Cht->render(); The json is attached. json.txt
  3. Hi, I am using FusionCharts XT v3.12.2 I am creating my charts via the php wrapper. What I would like to accomplish is automatically downloading the chart after it is rendered on the page without clicking on the FusionCharts export button. Basically I want this to happen without a user needing to perform any action. All suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.
  4. Automating Chart Export

    Prerana, Your solution (and example) is fantastic. Thank you very much.