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Everything posted by zhenghaoju

  1. Firefox Flash Refresh Problem

    I use JSON method. This the JSON Data. {"chart":{"adjustDiv":"0","anchorAlpha":"0","baseFontColor":"363636","bgAlpha":"100","bgColor":"#EEECEB","canvasBgColor":"FFFFFF","canvasBorderColor":"9ca1a6","canvasBorderThickness":"1","canvasRightMargin":"10","caption":"CPU 使用率","chartLeftMargin":"0","chartRightMargin":"20","chartTopMargin":"0","clickURL":"j-popupBigChartWindow-createCpuUsage","decimals":"0","divLineDashGap":"2","divLineDashLen":"4","divLineIsDashed":"1","doughnutRadius":"60","forceDecimals":"1","forceYAxisValueDecimals":"1","formatNumberScale":"0","labelDisplay":"none","lineColor":"69AC57","numDivLines":"4","numVDivLines":"4","numberSuffix":"%","numberprefix":"","pieRadius":"60","plotFillColor":"58A344","plotGradientColor":"58A344","showAlternateVGridColor":"1","showBorder":"1","showToolTip":"","showZeroPies":"0","showpercentvalues":"","showplotborder":"0","showvalues":"0","slantLabels":"","useRoundEdges":"","vDivLineIsDashed":"0","xaxisname":"","yAxisMaxValue":"100","yAxisMinValue":"0","yAxisValueDecimals":"1","yaxisname":""},"data":[{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:10","toolText":"","value":"38.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:15","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:20","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:25","toolText":"","value":"37.00"}]} I think this is not a chart data problem.
  2. I write the demo for the Real-Time Chart. I fround the broswer memory greatly increase. How to free the broswer memory?
  3. The Real-Time Chart Memory Problem?

    Is there no other ways to free memory? please tell me other ways . Thanks
  4. How to use RealTimeLineDY.swf , RealTimeStackedArea.swf and RealTimeStackedColumn.swf ? please help me ! I hope you send a demo for me!!!
  5. How To Use Realtimelinedy.swf ?

    Thanks for your help
  6. I hope DragNode Chart should have auto layout. just like Twaver soft, http://www.servasoftware.com CanvasXpress http://canvasxpress.org/network.html
  7. I hope DragNode Chart should have auto layout. just like Twaver , CanvasXpress. you can google them.
  8. Connectors and tooltip

    The dragNode does not support connection tooltip. if you want it, you should change the powerChart source code. see this:
  9. The PowerChart 'dragNode Node display size in linux and windows display different . Why ??? help me !!!
  10. I want to know PowerChart's DragNode support max node numbers!!! I found the results why ???
  11. The xml data linux : linux_xml.txt winodws:window7_xml.txt
  12. I found the two file has the same content.
  13. I got the debugs !!! Linux: windows:
  14. linux : just display the vlan info not display the IP address env : redhat5.6 firefox3.6.13 window :display all env: windows7 firefox3.6.13 I think the node display size is different on Linux and windows.
  15. Drag Node and Auto Layout - when?

    The powerChart is not support this function, you can use Twaver Twaver
  16. Javascript Errors Rendering Charts

    Beacuse the ChartId and divId is the same.
  17. Fusion Chart Tooltip support html tags? example : <img /> <table> help me
  18. The DragNode support zoom in/zoom out like google maps. if not support ,what did I do for supporting zoom in/zoom out ?
  19. please help me I want to know the DragNode connector support tooltip ? if not support ,I should change swf file?
  20. DragNode how to use of Chinese characters display for example toolText property toolText will appear garbled please help me:)
  21. I want to change the powercharts right-click menu into chinese please help me !!!