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Everything posted by zhenghaoju

  1. Can you support custom chart tooltip by template? for example: user can define tooltip string like "#{yValue}, #{xLabel} ", the chart will display something replace #{...} in tooltip.
  2. I update the fusionchart3.2 to XT version, I found Stacked 2D Area Chart style changed, please see the picture , Why chart display the blank on chart left and right sides? please help me to solve it.
  3. I update the fusionchart3.2 to XT version, I found Stacked 2D Area Chart style changed, please see the picture ,The chart display the blank on chart left and right sides. please help me to solve it. The debug informations : debugInfos.txt
  4. Thanks again, I think fusionchart XT document should tell us about default canvas padding value.
  5. I update the fusionchart3.2 to XT version, I found Stacked 2D Area Chart style changed, please see the picture ,The chart display the blank on chart left and right sides. please help me to solve it. This is my debug informations: debugInfos.txt
  6. Hi, I want to know heat map chart support max block number.
  7. Heat Map Chart Support Max Block Number ?

    I want to show 5000 hosts CPU utilization heat map. I want to know heat map chart performance.
  8. Fusion Charts Crash?

    Hi , I used the fusion charts in our dashboard, we should refresh this page in every 1 min. But in IE8 and IE9, after several times refresh, the fusion chart crashed. see the png. IE8 IE9
  9. Fusion Charts Crash?

    Sorry, I can not supply the xml file, but I study this problem, I think may be flash problem.
  10. Hi all, I try to change the flash chart to Javascript chart in our project. I found the javascript chart performance is low when show 6 charts together or above 6. So I decide to change show chart way. like when first chart draw complete, the second chart start to draw, see the code: this way can improve chart performance in browser, but the code is so bad. I want to know other better way. please help me!!!
  11. Hi, I want to know PowerChart XT release time.
  12. Hi, I want to change the message style, just like "no data to display" . Now I can change the message content, but our designer want me to change the style. Does the message support html tag?
  13. How To Change Message Style?

    Does it support the css style or control the message position ?
  14. I want to realize rounded effect for column chart. Our designer give me some design, see the png. I realize the design, but the column has not rounded effect, please help me.
  15. How To Realize Rounded Effect For Column Chart

    I try your method , but the designer not like your "RoundEdges" effect, he hope just column has Round Edge, not all the chart. Do you have other method?
  16. How to the chart message font size? I want to change the font size about "no data to display" or "data error ", please help me.
  17. Hi , I find a problem about Y-axia value distribution is not equality, see picture.
  18. Y-Axia Value Distribution Is Not Equality

    Hi, I am not set y-axis limits. FusionCharts should be automatically adjust lower limit and upper limit and y-axis label distribution. Now issue is y-axis label distribution not equality. Thanks.
  19. Y-Axia Value Distribution Is Not Equality

    Hi, Current Version: FusionCharts v3.2.1 OS: Windows7 Browser: Firefox 9.0.1 I user json code, you can find my example in attach file.Example.zip Thanks.
  20. I used the power chart Spline.swf by json in firefox 6.02 . my code: var switchCpuChart = new FusionCharts("/fusioncharts/PowerCharts/Spline.swf", "switchCpuChartId", "320", "170", "0", "1"); var cpuDataUrl = escape("createCpuUsage.action?switchIp="+switchIp+"&chartTimeLength=" + chartTimeLength); switchCpuChart.setJSONUrl(cpuDataUrl); switchCpuChart.setTransparent(false); switchCpuChart.render("switchCpuUsage"); When I go into the chart page, the chart display OK. but when I drag the dragging bar , the chart show no data to display, but IE chrome is OK. Why this ? The debug message show you: The first viewgui/switc....action?switchIp= #7 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "beforeinitialize" event. #8 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "initialized" event. #9 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataloadrequested" event. #29 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataloadrequestcompleted" event. #30 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "beforedataupdate" event. #32 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataupdated" event. The second #134 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "rendered" event. #135 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "drawcomplete" event. #136 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "nodatatodisplay" event. please help me !!!
  21. I suggest that the FusionChart may be support JavaFX2.0.
  22. FusionWeights do not support JSON ?
  23. Firefox Flash Refresh Problem

    Thank you.