In my gantt chart columns are days of the month. All columns are displayed nicely expect column representing Friday of each week. It's width is bigger than rest of the columns. I have attached chart snap for your reference. I need each column should have same width.
Please advice.
Gantt Chart Snap.bmp
I want my gantt chart should adjust height as per content displayed. It should adjust as per the no of rows (ResourceNames) displayed in it.
When I gave fixed height, chart displayed as per height given, However when I gave 100% height, chart did not display at all. I have given below my syntax.
Please advice.
return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Gantt.swf", "", sbChartXML.ToString(), "myNext", "100%", "100%", false, false);
We need to capture particular task cell click event in Gantt chart. On click we need to get task id and pass it to popup window for further processing.
I am new to fusion charts. I searched for available events, however I did not find any events associated with task row/cell. Please advice.