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Everything posted by iharos

  1. Problem loading

    Hi, I have downloaded the Fusion Charts xt for evaluation. I managed to create my first chart after loading the js file. When I try to load the example 'mscombi2d' type I either get a 'unable to find the container DOM element.' when linking to the js files on my server. I noticed that the example in the documentation point to js files on your fusion server. After copying these files to my server I now get 'chart type not supported'. All I am running is plain html and javascript. I really keen to get this running as I can see the benifits of purchasing this package. Can you please help me. My html is included below. Please note that the js files with the prefix 'new' are copies from you server and not the files included in the download. Thanks <html><head><title>test Fusion Graph</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/fusion/fusioncharts-suite-xt/js/newfusioncharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/fusion/fusioncharts-suite-xt/js/themes/newfusioncharts.theme.fint.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/fusion/fusioncharts-suite-xt/js/themes/fusioncharts.charts.js "></script> <script type="text/javascript"> FusionCharts.ready(function(){ var fusioncharts = new FusionCharts({ type: 'mscombi2d', renderAt: 'chart-container', width: '600', height: '300', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Harry's SuperMart", "subCaption": "Sales analysis of last year", "xAxisname": "Month", "yAxisName": "Amount (In USD)", "numberPrefix": "$", "showBorder": "0", "showValues": "0", "paletteColors": "#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "showCanvasBorder": "0", "canvasBgColor": "#ffffff", "captionFontSize": "14", "subcaptionFontSize": "14", "subcaptionFontBold": "0", "divlineColor": "#999999", "divLineIsDashed": "1", "divLineDashLen": "1", "divLineGapLen": "1", "showAlternateHGridColor": "0", "usePlotGradientColor": "0", "toolTipColor": "#ffffff", "toolTipBorderThickness": "0", "toolTipBgColor": "#000000", "toolTipBgAlpha": "80", "toolTipBorderRadius": "2", "toolTipPadding": "5", "legendBgColor": "#ffffff", "legendBorderAlpha": '0', "legendShadow": '0', "legendItemFontSize": '10', "legendItemFontColor": '#666666' }, "categories": [{ "category": [{ "label": "Jan" }, { "label": "Feb" }, { "label": "Mar" }, { "label": "Apr" }, { "label": "May" }, { "label": "Jun" }, { "label": "Jul" }, { "label": "Aug" }, { "label": "Sep" }, { "label": "Oct" }, { "label": "Nov" }, { "label": "Dec" } ] }], "dataset": [{ "seriesName": "Actual Revenue", "showValues": "1", "data": [{ "value": "16000" }, { "value": "20000" }, { "value": "18000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "15000" }, { "value": "21000" }, { "value": "16000" }, { "value": "20000" }, { "value": "17000" }, { "value": "25000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "23000" } ] }, { "seriesName": "Projected Revenue", "renderAs": "line", "data": [{ "value": "15000" }, { "value": "16000" }, { "value": "17000" }, { "value": "18000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "19000" }, { "value": "20000" }, { "value": "21000" }, { "value": "22000" }, { "value": "23000" } ] }, { "seriesName": "Profit", "renderAs": "area", "data": [{ "value": "4000" }, { "value": "5000" }, { "value": "3000" }, { "value": "4000" }, { "value": "1000" }, { "value": "7000" }, { "value": "1000" }, { "value": "4000" }, { "value": "1000" }, { "value": "8000" }, { "value": "2000" }, { "value": "7000" } ] } ] } }); fusioncharts.render(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="chart-container">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> </body> </html>
  2. Problem loading

    As I said in my introduction what ever the trial version is. Thanks