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About Muhasseena

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi. I have a requirement to add some text on the bottom of the chart, I tried by adding text into watermark text place . its a lengthier text, so it can't be fully visible at the bottom, could not able to split the text into 3 lines. is anyone knows please help me? please advice me on this, little urgent. thanks in advance
  2. i have created a 3d column chart in using fusion chart , i want to implement drill down in to the same .that means while clicking the column of the chart want to display a pop up window . for that i want to pass some parameter as query string my code sample is below xmlData.AppendFormat("<set name='{0}' value='{1}' link='P - Details_IncidentByType, width = 400, height = 300, toolbar = no, scrollbars = no, resizable = no -/Details_IncidentByTypeaspx.aspx %SD=" + ToDate+ "%ED="+FromDate+ "%TYP="+ QS_Type + " %CPNY="+QS_Company+ " %LOC="+QS_Location+ " " % FM="+QS_Frompage+" '''/>", Dt.Rows["bbbb"], Dt.Rows["aaaa"]); i have urgent requirement on this , please anybody help . Kindly advice on this thanks in advance.