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About pawan.gupta

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi I just started using fusion charts. I am using a pie2d chart but when I right click it i dont see any export or save as options. A snippet from my code: StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); //Start creating XML xmlData.AppendFormat(""); //query the db SqlDataManager sqlDM = new SqlDataManager(); SqlConnection conObj = sqlDM.createConnection(); SqlDataReader dataReader = null; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("BLevel1", conObj); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //loop through result set while (dataReader.Read()) { //build the xml xmlData.AppendFormat("", dataReader["group_name"].ToString(), dataReader["asset_value"].ToString(), HttpUtility.UrlDecode("/BusinessLevelTwo.aspx?group_name=" + dataReader["group_name"].ToString())); } //finish the xml xmlData.Append(""); //render the chart return FusionCharts.RenderChart("Charts/Pie2D.swf", "fcExporter1", xmlData.ToString(), "BLevel1", "800", "500", true, true); ============================ FusionCharts Export Handler Component //Note: fcExporter1 is the DOM ID of the DIV and should be specified as value of exportHandler //attribute of chart XML. var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject('fcExporter1', '../Charts/FCExporter.swf'); //Render the exporter SWF in our DIV fcexpDiv myExportComponent.Render("fcexpDiv"); ================= Please help! Thank you!