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Everything posted by Zéfling

  1. Hi, I want to custom tooltip. I do not find how to get the color or any other info in the data. The only solution I find is to generate one toolText per point. It's not possible to pass a callback and make the data formatting in a javascript function? Like this : { chart : { plotToolText: (data) => `<span class="drop" style="background-color:${data.color}"></span><strong>${formatValue(data.value)}</strong> (<span class="date">${formatDate(data.date, "MM/YYYY")}</span>)`; }, data: [{ label: "label", value: 15, color: "#FF0000", date: "2019-01-03" }] }
  2. After navigating in Angular, the zoom area seems to be miscalculated.
  3. Crash on navigate

    Sorry the good code is : static updateChart(component: FusionChartsComponent) { try { if (component) { // force update SVG URLs FusionCharts.options['_SVGDefinitionURLUpdated'] = false; // update chart component.updateChartData(); } } catch (error) { } }
  4. Crash on navigate

    Hi, I use FusionCharts with Angular, but we still have errors after 2 or 3 navigation in our own application. The creation and the destruction goes wrong after a little while. zone.js:199 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'paper' of undefined at e.getFromEnv (fusioncharts.js:13) at t.winMouseHover (fusioncharts.js:29) at fusioncharts.js:13 at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Zone.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ZoneTask.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:498) at invokeTask (zone.js:1744) at globalZoneAwareCallback (zone.js:1770) zone.js:199 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'animationObj' of undefined at t.setAnimation (fusioncharts.js:14) at e.t._setRemoveAnim (fusioncharts.js:13) at fusioncharts.js:13 at c (fusioncharts.js:13) at e.t._removeUnusedGraphics (fusioncharts.js:13) at e.t.syncDraw (fusioncharts.js:13) at e.updateVisual (fusioncharts.js:13) at Object.t.__drawJob [as job] (fusioncharts.js:13) at y (fusioncharts.js:13) at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Zone.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask (zone.js:498) at ZoneTask.invoke (zone.js:487) at timer (zone.js:2281) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'data' of undefined at e._addChartDependency (fusioncharts.js:formatted:1) at e.setChartData (fusioncharts.js:formatted:1) at FusionChartsComponent.ac_main../node_modules/angular-fusioncharts/src/fusioncharts.component.js.FusionChartsComponent.updateChartData (fusioncharts.js:formatted:1) at placement-chart.component.ts:318 at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Object.onInvokeTask (fusioncharts.js:formatted:1) at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:422) at Zone.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask (zone.js:498) at ZoneTask.invoke (zone.js:487) at timer (zone.js:2281) at ____________________Elapsed_2764_ms__At__Tue_Jun_25_2019_17_58_28_GMT_0200__heure_d__t__d_Europe_centrale_ (localhost) at Object.onScheduleTask (fusioncharts.js:formatted:1)
  5. Crash on navigate

    We found a solution : static updateChart(component: FusionChartsComponent) { if (component) { // force update SVG URLs FusionCharts.options['_SVGDefinitionURLUpdated'] = false; // update chart component.updateChartData(); } }
  6. Crash on ticks

    When a scrollline2d, there is a case where _allTicks is undefined ticks = axisConfig._allTicks, len = ticks.length; And crash totally FusionCharts : zone.js:199 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at CategoryAxis._parseCategoryPlotLine (fusioncharts.js:80291) at CategoryAxis._parseReferenceVisuals (fusioncharts.js:81690) at CategoryAxis._parseReferenceVisuals (fusioncharts.js:86654) at CategoryAxis.setVisibleConfig (fusioncharts.js:81559) at ScrollLine2D._setAxisScale2 (fusioncharts.charts.js:9514) at ScrollLine2D._setAxisScale (fusioncharts.charts.js:9636) at ScrollLine2D._spaceManager (fusioncharts.js:73503) at ScrollLine2D._manageSpace (fusioncharts.js:75024) at ScrollLine2D.manageSpace (fusioncharts.js:75402) at ScrollLine2D.updateVisual (fusioncharts.js:15894) at Object.ComponentBase.component.__drawJob [as job] (fusioncharts.js:15477) at executeJob (fusioncharts.js:14619) at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Zone.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask (zone.js:498) at ZoneTask.invoke (zone.js:487) at timer (zone.js:2281)
  7. Crash on ticks

    Hi, With this structure, In owr application fusionchart crashes, but not in a test case : { "chart": { "baseFont": "\"Source Sans Pro\", sans-serif", "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandSeparator": " ", "decimals": 2, "baseFontSize": 14, "borderThickness": 0, "plotBorderThickness": 0, "canvasBorderThickness": 0, "caption": "", "showAlternateHGridColor": 0, "zeroPlaneThickness": 1, "labelDisplay": "none", "labelStep": 1, "labelBinSize": 0, "flatScrollBars": 1, "scrollheight": 15, "bgColor": "#FFFFFF", "canvasBgColor": "#FFFFFF", "bgAlpha": 0, "canvasBgAlpha": 0, "numberScaleValue": "1000,1000,1000", "numberScaleUnit": "k,M,G", "use3DLighting": false, "legendPosition": "bottom", "legendItemFontSize": 12, "legendBorderAlpha": 0, "legendShadow": 0, "showShadow": false, "enableSlicing": false, "slicingDistance": 0, "enableMultiSlicing": false, "numbersuffix": "€", "showLegend": false, "showValues": false, "scrollPadding": 10, "usePlotGradientColor": false, "setAdaptiveYMin": true, "yAxisValuesPadding": 10, "labelPadding": 10, "canvasPadding": 25, "paletteColors": "#7B68EE" }, "categories": [ { "category": { "label": "JUIN" } }, { "category": { "label": "JUIL" } }, { "category": { "label": "AOÛT" } }, { "category": { "label": "SEPT" } }, { "category": { "label": "OCT" } }, { "category": { "label": "NOV" } }, { "category": { "label": "DÉC" } }, { "category": { "label": "JANV" } }, { "category": { "label": "FÉVR" } }, { "category": { "label": "MARS" } }, { "category": { "label": "AVRIL" } }, { "category": { "label": "MAI" } }, { "category": { "label": "JUIN" } } ], "dataset": [ { "value": 210.65 }, { "value": 564.65 }, { "value": 261.45 }, { "value": 166.99 }, { "value": 356.62 }, { "value": 405.76 }, { "value": 715.48 }, { "value": 562.69 }, { "value": 629.62 }, { "value": 310.29 }, { "value": 151.82 }, { "value": 83.73 }, { "value": 212.68 } ] } It's strange...
  8. Crash on ticks

    It's problem is present when datasource.categories is malformed