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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Trend Lines In Multi Axis Line Charts

    Hey, You are always welcome! Glad that we could help you. Happy FusionCharting!
  2. Trend Lines In Multi Axis Line Charts

    Hey, This suggestion seems to be the best possible work-around to this issue. It's great indeed! Happy FusionCharting!
  3. Spacing Between The Xaxisname And Bottom Label

    Hi, Please try setting a desired value for the attribute "xAxisNamePadding" in the <chart> element. Using this attribute, you can set the distance between the top of x-axis title and the bottom of data labels (or canvas, if data labels are not shown). Hope this helps.
  4. Hey, Thanks for sharing this. Hope this helps. Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Display % Sign In Value

    Hey,<br><br>Thanks for sharing the idea.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br><br>Happy FusionCharting! <br>
  6. Hi, I am afraid that the JavaScript charts does not support providing the "color" attribute in the <set> element, as of now. As a result the color of line plot is different in Flash and JavaScript version. We would be incorporating the feature of "color" attribute in the <set> element of the JavaScript charts in the next upgraded version. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  7. Hi Sreeenath , Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note you cannot email the charts directly after they are rendered. But since we allow saving on server, you can write your own script to automatically email the saved image. This script can be placed in our server-side script, or externally. Hope this helps.
  8. Alternate Horizontal Grid Color Maline

    Hey, I am afraid, this issue could not be worked out. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  9. Hi, Please confirm if you are rendering the charts on the browser in the JavaScript mode. In case you are doing so please compare and confirm if there is any marked difference while rendering chart in browser in JavaScript mode and on iPhone. Also, please note that the JavaScript charts shows a color lighter than the color of the Flash charts and also without the gradient. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts Free does not support this feature.
  11. Hi, Please note that you can use the ZoomLine Chart chart to display such data that would show more intricate details on zooming into the chart. However, the days would not be changed to month in the X-axis when zoomed in. The X-axis labels are static labels that cant be changed at the runtime. But the chart can be excatly displayed in the way you wish to. For further details on the XML configuration, please refer to the following link. Hope this helps.
  12. Data In Json Format Is Invalid

    Hey, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Thank you for reporting this. We are looking into the issue. We shall update you as soon it is fixed. Thank you for your continued support.
  13. Problem With Client-Side Pdf Download

    Hey, Glad that your issue is resolved. Thanks for sharing the idea. Happy FusionCharting!
  14. Fusioncharts Will Load Here!

    Hi, Please make sure the paths for the SWF and the JS files are mentioned correctly in the HTML. Hope this helps.
  15. Alternate Horizontal Grid Color Maline

    Hi, I am afraid, the Multi-axis lIne chart of the PowerCharts pack does not support the horizontal grid color, as of now.
  16. Hi, This is an issue encountered by us. We have tried to provide a fix for this in the next minor upgraded release of FusionCharts. The next upgraded release, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2 would come up approximately in a month's time. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
  17. Yaxismaxvalue Not Working

    HI, Please drop us a mail, quoting this forum thread at with your Order ID and we would provide you with the fixed SWF file. The minor upgraded version of FusionCharts, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2 would release approximately in a month's time. Looking forward to your mail.
  18. Can We Position Titles?

    Hi Mat, That's a great attempt indeed! Your suggestions are important to us. We have made a due note of the same. Happy FusionCharting!
  19. Can We Position Titles?

    Hi Mat, Please note that the "Annotations" are supported by the chart/gauges of the FusionWidgets pack. The Doughnut chart of the FusionCharts pack does not support the same. Hope this helps.
  20. Heat Charts - Cell Widths

    Hi, You are welcome. Hope your issue us resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  21. Can We Position Titles?

    Hi Mat, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, the text alignment in different positions are not supported in FusionCharts, as of now. However, since FusionCharts v3.2, we support custom alignment of caption and sub caption using STYLES. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  22. Yaxismaxvalue Not Working

    Hi, This is an issue we have recently encountered and we have fixed it for our next minor upgraded version. In case you are existing customer, please drop us a mail at with your Order ID. Looking forward to your feedback.
  23. Legend Colors Incorrect

    Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue after testing the XML. The Legend color is same as the plot color when tested. Please check with the attached screenshot of the rendered chart for your reference. Hope this helps.
  24. How To Give Each Label Their Own Color?

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note that the color of the labels can be changed by applying "Font Styles" on the "DATALABELS" object. But in this case the color specified would be applied globally I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support specifying different colors to individual labels, as of now. Hope this helps.
  25. Heat Charts - Cell Widths

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts forum! I am afraid, Heat Maps does not support explicitly setting the width of each cell, as of now. The width currently depends on the number of data-plots and the canvas width. Hope this helps.