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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Can the y-axis be displayed in 32nds?

    Hi, Please note you have calculate the interval difference explicitly and then set the exact number of div lines for a proper display.
  2. Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible, as of now. You can only display the trendline value on right by setting "valueOnRight" to '1'.
  3. Include the property

    Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. We have made a note of the same. Happy FusionCharting!
  4. Hi, Thank you for sharing the idea. Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Scrolling Multi-axis Line Chart

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts only supports Dual Y-axis chart, as of now.
  6. Scrolling Multi-axis Line Chart

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, FusionCharts supports only Dual Y-axis for Scroll/Combination charts including Line.
  7. MS-Stacked-Column2d with scrolling function

    Hi, I am afraid, Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column 2D is not supported, as of now.
  8. x-axis values not showing with shownames=1

    Hi, Please try setting "showLabels" to '1' in the <chart> element to solve your purpose.
  9. Custom Map

    Hi, Please send your request at
  10. Caption Location

    Hi, Please try downloading the latest version of FusionCharts, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 that supports alignment of caption on left or right of the chart, using "STYLES". Please download FusionCharts v3.2.1 with the help of the following link. Hope this helps.
  11. rotateLabels not work at PYAxisName and SYAxisName

    Hi, We are looking into this. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  12. Hi, Please try using relative paths for the files in your HTML page instead of absolute paths. Hope this helps.
  13. element in Gantt chart - cannot set alpha

    Hi, I am afraid, there is no work-around to this issue, as of now.
  14. Rotate chart MSCombi2D

    Hi, Please contact us with the help of the following link.
  15. yAxisMaxValue not working with data point of 0

    Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The Y-axis maximum and minimum values are displayed perfectly even when the data values are '0'.
  16. Hi, Please try setting the attribute "showPercentValues" to '1' in the <chart> element to display percentage values in the labels of the chart. Hope this helps.
  17. Ipad/phone Rendering

    Hi, I apologize for the inconvenience. I am afraid, no labels get rendered on iPad/iPhone. The same issue happens with JavaScript charts rendered in IE. We are looking into this. We shall keep you updated on the solution. Thank you for your patience and patronage.
  18. Interactive Legend Not Working

    Hi Surya, Could you please send us the XML file that you are using to render the chart? Awaiting your reply.
  19. chart value vs date (value against date)

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support date/time format on Y-axis, as of now.
  20. Hi, Please note, you can add vLines to the Realtime chart using the following data format. Ex: &value=753|345&vline=0&vLineLabel=vLine&vLineColor=666666&vLineThickness=2 &vLineDashed=1 Hope this helps.
  21. Ipad/phone Rendering

    Hi, This is a JavaScript issue that has been fixed in the FusionCharts v3.2.1. Could you please upgrade to the latest version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 to avail the few JavaScript fixes? Hope this helps.
  22. Widget With Chart

    Hi Rakesh, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  23. Add A Vertical Line When Hover On A Chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this feature on any charts (except ZoomLine chart), as of now. We have made a note of your suggestion. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  24. Alerts Error

    Hi, The issue you are facing has been replicated. Could you please try setting the value "SHOWANNOTATION" for the attribute "action" in the <alerts> element to show the change of display of annotations with values? Also, we have provided the first annotation group as the base annotation as the initial value is '0'. Please note that all the other annotation that needs to show/hidden with values should be placed after the base annotation in the XML. Please refer to the modified XML file for details. Hope this helps. Angular2.xml
  25. Server Side Rendering

    Hi, Could you please send us a request , quoting this forum thread at Looking forward to your mail.