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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Hi, Yes, the latest version is backward compatible. But we do not support Flash any further, hence, you would need to remove the existing SWF files and the .swf extensions from your code. Also, please replace the existing JS files with the latest and clear the cache. You may refer to the following upgrade link. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  2. Hi Sarah, Please note that FusionCharts does not calculate any internal values for comparative study. You would need to pass that explicitly in order to display this. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, Please note that "enescapeLinks" is a FusionCharts attribute in the chart element like the other attributes like "bgColor", "adjustDiv", etc. However, we would first recommend you to upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.7 as the Flash is completely discontinued and lot of enhancements had been done to the JavaScript charts, including the jqueryplugin. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  4. Fusion Charts failing to fire all events

    Hi, Thanks for the update and suggestion. We are glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Hi Akhila, FusionCharts by default is not a responsive charting component based on the size of the mobbile device, as of now, however, it can be made so with a bit of additional coding for that. But the charts can be made to dynamically resize itself when the parent container resizes. You may download and refer to our mobile ready dashboard showcased on our website. Ref.- In the mobile version of the dashboard, chart components allow interactive, mobile-optimised data comparison, easy navigation, intuitive filters, highlighted KPIs on top and many more. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  6. Hi, Please note that the "palette" attribute allows to select a palette theme that applies to chart background, canvas, font and tool-tips, it does not change the colors of data items, i.e, pie slices. Using `paletteColors` attribute, you can specify your custom list of hex colors for the data items. The list of colors have to be separated by comma e.g., `"paletteColors": "#FF0000, #0372AB, #FF5904..."` and this will be displayed on the slices. Hope this helps.
  7. Internet Explorer converts UTF-8 data to single-byte

    Hi, We are looking forward to a sample so that we can test it. Also, could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.7.0 and see if this helps? You can check with the version history from here: Hope this helps.
  8. We are glad that your requirement is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  9. Internet Explorer converts UTF-8 data to single-byte

    Hi, We would first recommend you to upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.6. We have completely discontinued Flash charts and only support JavaScript charts. Please upgrade and check if the issue still persists. In case yes, please share your sample data so that we might test it. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! We completely did not understand your requirement, but the much we could comprehend, it seems the Scatter XY plot chart might cater to your requirement. Also, you can connect the scatter points by setting "drawLine" attribute to "1" to in the corresponding dataset elements. Hope this helps.
  11. Hi, Could you please confirm the current version you are using? Also, please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.6 if you have not already. This issue is not replicated in the latest version. Hope this helps.
  12. Hi, Could you please share the scaled-down sample with us here or mail us at, so that we might test and replicate the issue? Awaiting your response.
  13. Hi, Could you please send us a Live URL so that we might test it as we are unable to replicate the issue otherwise? Awaiting your response.
  14. Hi, Please note that you are using a much older version that support RenderChartHTML method and SWF files. We neither support this method or Flash charts anymore in the latest version. Hence, we would first recommend you to upgrade to the latest version as older versions are not supported annymore. Ref.- Looking forward to your response.
  15. --no-stop-slow-scripts not working

    Hi, Could you please confirm if you have a huge amount of data that is causing a timeout while rendering the chart? Also, regarding the version you might be using, you can open the "fusioncharts.js" file in a notepad and check the version from there in order to check if you are using the latest version. Hope this helps.
  16. Hi, Please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.6 and use the self-hosted export handlers to export the charts. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  17. Special Characters Aren't Working

    Hi, Could you please use the punctuation marks as is and see if this helps? Ref.- We did not need to encode the punctuation marks in the above sample, however, the chart is working perfectly. Hope this helps.
  18. Hi, FusionCharts natively does not allow space in between the pair of column plots in any Multi-series column chart, as they are placed under one label. Hope this helps.
  19. Hi, Could you please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using? The blank dataplots was an issue with one of our previous versions and this does not persist any further in the latest JavaScript version. For the "No data to Display" error message, it seems that you are using Data URL method (provide data to chart from files or streams) to provide chart data. Many browsers, like Google Chrome, restrict JavaScript from accessing local file system owing to security reasons. The JavaScript charts, when running locally, will not be able to access data provided as a URL. If you run the files from a server, it will run absolutely fine, as the data is then read and streamed by the server, without the need for JavaScript to directly access local file system. When running locally, however, if you provide the data as string (using the Data String method), it works fine. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi, Please note that if your chart shows a "No data to display" message, it could be either of the following scenarios: Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts XT. In this case, your XML just contains the <chart> or <dataset> tags without any data between them. You might be using a single-series chart and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get a "No data to display" message. In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide at least one dataset for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Could you please confirm if you were using FusionCharts for Dreamweaver? In case yes, we would request you to contact the ExtendStudip support as we do not support this product from our end. ref.- Hope this helps.
  22. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi Shirisha, Please mail us at with your sample and reference to the Forum post so that we can take this up with priority. We are looking into this and shall revert to you shortly. Thank you for your continued patience.
  23. Hi, Please note that you cannot display an old map with the latest version maps simultaneously on the same page, as the JavaScript files are not compatible. In case your maps are same, you can continue to use the old XML with the latest version without any issue. Alternately, if the maps are different, you can upgrade your older map to the latest version and continue to use both in the same page using the same files. Hope this helps.
  24. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi Shirisha, Could you please save the string as SVG file and open it in the browser so that we can confirm if the issue with SVG string or the 3rd party converter? Awaiting your response.
  25. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi Shirisha, We tested your code and it seems that the CSS is messing up the chart dimensions. Hence, we would recommend you to provide the fixed width and height in the chart divs and set 100% width and height for each chart in the code. Please check with the attached modified sample for your reference. Hope this helps.