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About jpickrel

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Real Time Angular Gauges

    2. Is there a way to call the script when the gauge renders so that it may get the correct value? I have multiple queries and calculations that I use to get the desired results for my gauges. I have these placed in another perl script and that is what i have placed in dataStreamURL attribute and it return the string &value=(some number). This all works great, however it does not call this script until my first refreshInterval hits and I need the gauge set to this value when the gauge is first rendered. Is there a way to call this script when the gauge first renders to get my calculated value or do I have to place all my queries and calculations into the page on which my gauge renders to get the initial value also? Thank you.
  2. I have an couple questions regarding the real time gauges. I have angular gauges that refreshes the value every 60 second from a perl script that returns the value. The questions I have are: 1. When I set the UpperLimit on the gauge and the script returns a value that is greater than the upperLimit it does not display the value. Is there a way to set this dynamically? 2. Is there a way to call the script when the gauge renders so that it may get the correct value? 3. I have a page that contain 12 different gauges is there a way to run the script and return a string that will update all the gauges as once? Thanks in advance for any help. Your assistance is very appreciated.
  3. How do you set the order in which the dataset appear and which are in the front and back on a 2D Combination Chart. I know they go in series from highest values to losest and you use the chartOrder option for the 3D Charts, but I cannot get it work for the 2D Charts. Thanks in advance. Jessica