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Everything posted by Sultan

  1. Hello, I have bought a license for FusionChart I received a zip file but when I went the site the instructions simply said: 1-create react app 2- download the dependencies "npm install fusioncharts react-fusioncharts --save" 3- then I do what is done in the last step called "Render the chart" everything works fine but now I want to use other type of charts like the nested pie chart how do I use it ?
  2. How to set up with React

    Also am not understanding. What to do with the zip file that I was given after I bought the "FusionCharts Suite XT" package ?
  3. How to set up with React

    I am doing the following: // Include the react-fusioncharts component import ReactFC from "react-fusioncharts"; // Include the fusioncharts library import FusionCharts from "fusioncharts"; // Include the chart type import PowerCharts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.powercharts'; // Resolves charts dependancy PowerCharts(FusionCharts); class VASDashboard extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { dataSource: { chart: { caption: "Sales by Product Category", subcaption: "Last Quarter", showplotborder: "1", plotfillalpha: "60", hoverfillcolor: "#CCCCCC", numberprefix: "$", plottooltext: "Sales of <b>$label</b> was <b>$$valueK</b>, which was $percentValue of parent category", theme: "fusion" }, category: [ { label: "Products", tooltext: "Please hover over a sub-category to see details", color: "#ffffff", value: "150", category: [ { label: "Food & Beverage", color: "#f8bd19", value: "55.5", category: [ { label: "Breads", color: "#f8bd19", value: "11.1" }, { label: "Juice", color: "#f8bd19", value: "27.75" }, { label: "Noodles", color: "#f8bd19", value: "9.99" }, { label: "Seafood", color: "#f8bd19", value: "6.66" } ] }, { label: "Apparel", color: "#33ccff", value: "42", category: [ { label: "Sun Glasses", color: "#33ccff", value: "10.08" }, { label: "Clothing", color: "#33ccff", value: "18.9" }, { label: "Handbags", color: "#33ccff", value: "6.3" }, { label: "Shoes", color: "#33ccff", value: "6.72" } ] }, { label: "Baby Products", color: "#ffcccc", value: "22.5", category: [ { label: "Bath &{br}Grooming", color: "#ffcccc", value: "9.45" }, { label: "Food", color: "#ffcccc", value: "6.3" }, { label: "Diapers", color: "#ffcccc", value: "6.75" } ] }, { label: "Electronics", color: "#ccff66", value: "30", category: [ { label: "Laptops", color: "#ccff66", value: "8.1" }, { label: "Televisions", color: "#ccff66", value: "10.5" }, { label: "SmartPhones", color: "#ccff66", value: "11.4" } ] } ] } ] } } } render() { return ( <ReactFC type="multilevelpie" width="100%" height="100%" dataFormat="JSON" dataSource={this.state.dataSource} /> ) } } I attached the result of this nested pie chart I want step by step instructions for the React nested 2 pie chart Please don't give me circular explanations that don't help me