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About Lemming

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Thumbnail charts

    Thanks for the reply. I took a guess that it might be something like that, and got it right
  2. Thumbnail charts

    Thanks for the reply, but I think there is a bit missing
  3. Thumbnail charts

    I sorted the data legend part (showLegend='0'), does anyone has any ideas about hiding the yaxis on a line and bar chart?
  4. How to user javascript to set attributes

    Ignor this post, I've now found out I was doing it all wrong
  5. Thumbnail charts

    Hi, I'm creating thumbnail charts on a web page that when clicked open a popup window showing the full chart, what I would like to do if hide all words/writing on the charts on the thumbnail version. So far I'm using . On charts that have a y axis (line, column,bar, etc), while the y axis name is hidden the values are still being shown. Also on Multi Series charts (line chart for example), the data series legend is being shown. It there any way of hidding everything, except the chart diagram? Thanks
  6. Dynamic Y Axis setting

    Thanks for that, it worked great
  7. Dynamic Y Axis setting

    Thanks for the response. :ermm: I'm not sure how to implement this. I'm am using the javascript code to create the chart, this is what I have but it doesn't seem to have worked. var myChart = new FusionCharts("flash/FusionCharts/line.swf", "1", "500", "300", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL("data.xml"); myChart.setAttribute("AdaptiveYMin", "1"); Thanks Mark
  8. Hi, I'm trying to do the following to alter the bottom labels of the chart, but it doesn't seem to work. var myChart = new FusionCharts("Line.swf", "1", "500", "300", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL("file.xml"); myChart.setAttribute("labelDisplay", "Rotate"); myChart.setAttribute("slantLabels", "1"); myChart.render("chartdiv${FusionChart.chartID}"); I've got the values for the setAttribute() function from the documentation, in as far as they are what would be used if I was using xml. I couldn't see any examples of how to use the setAttribute function in the documentation. Thanks Mark
  9. Dynamic Y Axis setting

    Hi, I'm plotting a line chart with data values from around 10.5k to 13.5k. The chart displayed is being plotted from 0k - 14k, which means the line is all bunched at the top, filling only 2 fifths of the chart. The data that is being displayed on the chart is being dynamically created by a server which is being picked by and entered into the chart using myChart.setDataURL(). I see that there is a way of setting the yAxisValue, but this is no use to me as I never know what data range I am going to get back. Is there a means of telling the chart to only plot the chart around the data, and not to always start at 0? Thanks