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About henri.piot

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Dynamic resize with FC 3.17

    Hello, Thank you for your answer ! Actually I was trying the 3.17 to be able to use "rem" "vw" ... on font size. Is this feature availiable in the 3.16 ? Thank you Henri
  2. Dynamic resize with FC 3.17

    Hello, I'm facing an issue with the 3.17 Fusion Charts version (compare to the 3.15) on the dynamic resizing behavior. In fact, on a dashboard that i'm working on, i'm using ms charts (mspline, overlapscolumns, radar) and "simple" charts 'piecharts'. Whene i resize my scree dynamically, the ms charts do not adapt their width to fit their container, despite the fact that charts width is set to 100%. This is only happening to ms charts, because the pie charts behavior is good, that is, it adapt to the container size. When I retry this with the 3.15 library on fusion charts, the dynamic resizing behavior was good ! Is their some attribute that needs to put add in order to dynamicly resize ms charts on the 3.17 version of fusioncharts or is there any bugs to fix ? Don't hesitate if you need further informations !