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Everything posted by rajeevarakkal

  1. fusion chart is working fine in browsers. When trying to save the chart as an image using swftoimage to use with word/pdf document, its giving me a white/blank images approximately 6kb size. I am using C#.net for coding. And this particular issue is happening for production server (Windows 2003 R2 and iis running under iis 5 isolation mode) only. Its working fine on UAT environment (Windows XP, iis 5). Please help
  2. fusion chart generating white/blank images

    Flash player 10 is installed in the production machine and i am able to generate the chart and show it in browser. When i am trying to generate chart and then converting it to image using 'swftoimage' using C#.net, i am getting white image. and this is happening only in production machine, I mean code is working everywhere else.An early help will be highly appreciated.