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About shawnc

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  1. I move a node from a type: "dragnode" FusionCharts (Javascript). I need to know the x and y position the node has been moved to in order to save that position into my database. I run this code to get pos of my nodes: //Get a reference to our chart var ourChart = FusionCharts("testNodeChart"); //Get the data from chart var jsonRtn = ourChart.getJSONData(); //Show it to user in alert box. alert(JSON.stringify(jsonRtn)); Result: pos of x and y shows for my node: x = 1200, y = 1200 Then, I move the node and run the above code again. Same results…. pos of x and y shows for my node: x = 1200, y = 1200 ----------- I also tried: ourChart.getNodeAttribute("21").x But I get error: TypeError: ourChart.getNodeAttribute is not a function -----------