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Everything posted by gsambandhan

  1. Hi, Could any one Knows, Whats the Dataset range of Fusion chart. If I pass large value to the chart, application returns errror flash unable to read all the data If there is any alternate way to avoid this problem
  2. FusionChartsVsASpDotnet

    Hi, Iam New To FusionChart and iam using Developerversion of fusion chart, I need to plot the graph for different series from using different date, for eg, I need to plot the graph for the interval 12/03/2006 to 12/04/2006 (dd/mm/yyyy). each date has intervals(15 minutes) 00:15,00:30,.......................24:00 Please help me out how this data can be implement using fusion chart
  3. FusionChartsVsASpDotnet

    Hi Pallav, We are very much satisfied with this tool, Good looking, Nice animation, But we are facing difficulties for large data, because my application need to show the chart for yearly, for this kind of data fusion chart hard to get load, and giving error like "Your Flash player couldn't able to load". what is the solution for this? if you give th solution as soon as posible, it will mae help us to move further.
  4. FusionChartsVsASpDotnet

    Hi Pallav,
  5. FusionChartsVsASpDotnet

    thanks for your imediate reply pallav nandhani, But, I want the graph like below, this graph was done in Excel, its possible in fussion chart ? Here its showing the graph for 4 days (with 96 intervals from 00:15 to 23:45)