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Everything posted by satishssrc

  1. Display multiple charts on same page

    Hello Sir Jos, I think you have to change the chart ID i.e. you have Question A for both the charts in the echorenderchart(), just change one to Question B or something. Hope this helps. thanks, satish
  2. Hello all, SELECT a.secondary as Category, SUM(case when between '2010-08-14' AND '2010-08-20' then h.value else 0 end) as year2007, SUM(case when between '2010-08-07' AND '2010-08-13' then h.value else 0 end) as year2008, SUM(case when between '2010-07-31' AND '2010-08-06' then h.value else 0 end) as year2009, SUM(case when between '2010-07-24' AND '2010-07-30' then h.value else 0 end) as year2010 FROM activity_categories a JOIN hp_activities h on a.categoryId = h.categoryId JOIN workdays w on w.workdaysId = h.workdaysId JOIN personnel p on w.personnelId = p.personnelId WHERE a.primaryCategory='Violations' GROUP BY Category ORDER By year2007 I am using the above query to generate data for a multi-stacked 3Dchart. But when I use addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1, "Category","year2008"); now the issue is that I am not able to generate all the columns for the chart. Moreover I can't repeat the function addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1, "Category","year2007") for 2007 , 2009,2010. So how do I tell it to plot all the coulms and not just one. Please help!!!:crying:
  3. issue using addDatasetsFromDatabase()

    Hey Sanjukta, Thank you for the reply. But I have actually done it using XML but just wanted to know if could be done the other way too. Thanks for reply once again. satish
  4. Hello all, Can anyone please tell me the use stacked charts with PHP classes and data base, I understand the method to directly doing it using xml and data base but I want the method to use PHP classes. Please please help. thanks, satish
  5. Hello, I am new to the use of fusion charts, I am having an issue with pulling data from the data base and displaying a stacked chart. I am using PHP. I looked at the PHP class examples of stacked charts, but could not integrate that with the data base. It is really urgent. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks and have a good one! satish
  6. Hello Basundhara Ghosal, Thanks for the reply...!!! I have given all that you have asked for in the attachment. I have explained my issue better in the file attached. And you said I can convert my values from my data base to an xml, and then chart it....sorry to trouble you but how do we do that ?? Hope the file makes sense... thank you for the help Satish