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Everything posted by Webtrix

  1. insert a break in the legend

    I am trying to insert a break in the seriesname of the legend with no success. All it does is put the break tag where a break should be. Below is the code i am using. any help would be greatly appreciated. <dataset isHTML='1' seriesname='" & myRS("series") & " {BR} " & myRS("PageName") & "' color='" & seriesclr & "' alpha='100'>
  2. insert a break in the legend

    Worked Perfectly!! Thanks!!
  3. insert a break in the legend

    still does not work. Below is the code i am using. Iam using classic ASP to builid the page and I believe the problem lies in the highlighted code. The highlighted code must be there in order for this to work. <!-- This include generates the XML necessary to use the FusionChart component --> <% dim seriescolor(2) seriescolor(0) = "FF8040" seriescolor(1) = "FF8040" lpocolor = "000000" nlicolor = "FFFF00" licolor = "FF0000" dim graphheader, graphfooter Dim hasdata hasdata = false sub SetGraphHeader (showValues, caption, subcaption, xaxis, yaxis) graphfooter = "</graph>" dim strheader set strheader = new Stringbuilder strheader.append("<graph ") strheader.append("xaxisname='" & xaxis & "' ") strheader.append("yaxisname='" & yaxis & "' ") strheader.append("hovercapbg='DEDEBE' ") strheader.append("baseFontColor='ffffff' ") strheader.append("borderColor = '000000' ") strheader.append("hovercapborder='889E6D' ") strheader.append("rotateNames='1' ") strheader.append("animation='1' ") 'strheader.append("yAxisMaxValue='100' ") strheader.append("showValues='" & showValues & "' ") strheader.append("numvdivlines='10' ") strheader.append("shadowAlpha='40' ") strheader.append("labelStep='1' ") strheader.append("divLineColor='a8875e' ") strheader.append("divLineAlpha='60' ") strheader.append("divLineColor='a8875e' ") strheader.append("divLineIsDashed='1' ") strheader.append("decimalPrecision='0' ") strheader.append("showAlternateHGridColor='0' ") strheader.append("AlternateHGridAlpha='100' ") strheader.append("AlternateHGridColor='a8875e' ") strheader.append("canvasbgColor='000000' ") strheader.append("canvasborderColor='a8875e' ") strheader.append("canvasborderAlpha='80' ") strheader.append("caption='" & caption & "' ") strheader.append("bgColor='0000000,000000' ") strheader.append("bgAngle='270' ") strheader.append("bgAlpha='10,10' ") strheader.append("legendBgColor= '000000' ") strheader.append("slantLabels= '1' ") strheader.append("subcaption='" & subcaption & "' ") strheader.append(">") graphheader = strheader.ToString() end sub function RS2XML (myRS) dim strcategories, strseries dim buildcategory, firstcategory, currentseries, seriescount, buildstring, seriesclr buildcategory = true buildstring = "" firstcategory = "" currentseries = "" seriescount = 0 set strcategories = new StringBuilder set strseries = new StringBuilder strcategories.append("<categories font='Arial' fontSize='11' fontColor='ffffff'>") while not (myRS.EOF) if buildcategory = true then if firstcategory = myRS("category") then buildcategory = false else if firstcategory = "" then firstcategory = myRS("category") strcategories.append(vbTab & "<category name='" & myRS("category") & "' hoverText='" & myRS("category") & "' />") end if end if if currentseries <> myRS("series") then if currentseries <> "" then strseries.append("</dataset>") end if seriescount = seriescount + 1 currentseries = myRS("series") select case lcase(currentseries) case "lpo" seriesclr = lpocolor case "nli" seriesclr = nlicolor case "li" seriesclr = licolor case else seriesclr = seriescolor(seriescount mod 15) end select strseries.append("<dataset isHTML='1' seriesname='" & myRS("PageName") & " for " & myRS("startDate") & " " & myRS("endDate") & "' color='" & seriesclr & "' alpha='100'>") end if if not (hasdata) then if cdbl(myRS("value")) <> cdbl("0") then hasdata = true end if end if strseries.append(vbTab & "<set value='" & (cdbl(myRS("value"))) & "' />") myRS.movenext wend strseries.append("</dataset>") strcategories.append("</categories>") buildstring = graphheader + strcategories.ToString() + strseries.ToString() + graphfooter rs2xml = replace(buildstring, "&", "/") end function sub SetGraphHeaderBarChart (showValues, caption, subcaption, xaxis, yaxis) graphfooter = "</chart>" dim strheader set strheader = new Stringbuilder strheader.append("<chart ") strheader.append("xaxisname='" & xaxis & "' ") strheader.append("yaxisname='" & yaxis & "' ") strheader.append("alternateVGridColor='AFD8F8' ") strheader.append("baseFontColor='114B78' ") strheader.append("toolTipBorderColor='114B78' ") strheader.append("toolTipBgColor='E7EFF6' ") strheader.append("plotBorderDashed='1' ") strheader.append("plotBorderDashLen='2' ") strheader.append("plotBorderDashGap='2' ") strheader.append("useRoundEdges='1' ") strheader.append("showBorder='1' ") strheader.append("caption='" & caption & "' ") strheader.append("bgColor='000000,000000' ") strheader.append("bgAngle='270' ") strheader.append("bgAlpha='10,10' ") strheader.append("subcaption='" & subcaption & "' ") strheader.append(">") graphheader = strheader.ToString() end sub %>
  4. insert a break in the legend

    Doesn't seem to work. it just shows "/#10;"