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Everything posted by accountothers

  1. Hi, I am using fusion charts in one of my sites and recently I tried to upgrade it to v3.2 to make my site Apple IPad compatible. In one page, I am using "ScrollColumn2D" chart and i got it correctly with a scroll bar before I upgraded FC to v3.2. In the process of upgrading, I have used the Code Snippet: FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); in my page and it gave a chart with no scroll bar as shown below. And, when I tried the Code Snippet: FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash(); it gave me the correct chart with a scroll bar as shown below. What I need is a scrollbar for ScrollColumn2D chart when I use java script version and what I have to do to get that in my page? Below is the test page which I tried using FC v3.2. <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <!--#include file="../FusionCharts/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"--> <% Dim FC ' Create FusionCharts ASP class object set FC = new FusionCharts ' Set chart type to Column3D Call FC.setChartType("ScrollColumn2D") ' Set chart size Call FC.setSize("300","250") ' Set the relative path of the SWF file Call FC.setSWFPath("../FusionCharts/") Dim strParam ' Define chart attributes strParam = "palette=1;yAxisMinValue=0;yAxisMaxValue=5;bgColor=fdf9e4,fdf9e4;bgAlpha=100,100;useRoundEdges=1;scrollToEnd=1;" ' Set chart attributes Call FC.setChartParams(strParam) Dim strInt strInt = CInt(0) Do While strInt < CInt(30) Call FC.addCategory("1 - 1", "", "") strInt = strInt + 1 Loop ' Add a new dataset with dataset parameters FC.addDataset "Dataset Parameter","color=289ad5;showValues=1" ' Add chart values and category names strInt = CInt(0) Do While strInt < CInt(20) Call FC.addChartData("4","label=Data 1","") strInt = strInt + 1 Loop%> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language='javascript' src='../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js'></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //Total java script FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); //If flash is not installed, then use javascript //FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash(); </script> </head> <body> <% Call FC.renderChart(false) %> </body> </html>
  2. Scrollcolumn2D Chart Not Working With Fc V3.2 Upgrade

    Hi Angie, Thank you very much for your quick response. Is there any other way for me to get a scroll chart using java script version?
  3. Hi, I am using three fusion charts in an asp page one by one, where all of these three charts were included in parent page using three individual files. Using the Export functionality of the fusion charts, I am saving the charts as images(JPGs). Capturing data is getting delayed when the charts are going out of focus and the capturing is very much fast when the charts remain in the focus. This is what I am using in the set parameters of the chart rendering: exportCallback=GetImage_FusionCallBk;exportEnabled=1;exportAtClient=0 I am using IE6 with Flash 10.1 installed in my system. Facing the same in IE8 also. Is there any way to get the data captured fast though they are out of focus?
  4. Thank you for your quick reply Basundhara
  5. Thank you. Yes. When I scroll the page to the bottom, then the chart at the top of the page is going out of focus and the capturing of data is getting slow. Also, when the page loads for the first time, charts at the bottom of the page that are not in the visible area are also having the same problem while the chart at the top of the page which are in visible area are capturing the data fast.