I cannot get LogMSColumn2D. swf javascript chart in PhP to display the category dates on X-Axis. The feature works fine in non-logarithmic Column2D
For the regular I am using :
$date = date("D (jS)",strtotime($ors[0])) ;
$strXML .= "<set label='".$date."' value='".$ors[1]."' color='00FF00'/>";
$strXML .= "";
For the LogMSColumn2D ( to get chart to display) I am using:
$date .= date("D (jS)",strtotime($ors[0])) ;
<category label='".$date."'/>";
<set value='".$ors[1]."' color='00FF00'/>";
$strXML .= "";
What am I missing?