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Found 3 results

  1. Hello. When the project runs locally, all the charts work properly but when I build the project and run it on the hosts, I get errors on the pages that use this charts. Error messages : 1 - net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED 200 2 - ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 6 failed. I'm using React js.
  2. Scale Y axis

    Hi all: this is my chart ,i use fusionchart ,my problem is in the attach file, the y value is too close to difficult see the difference in the chart (ex.1.00,0.99,0.98...) i want to know how to set or modify the <chart> attribute and we can distinguish easily
  3. Hi, I´m using the same code to render a Pie Chart using Flash and using Javascript (the only difference is "FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');}" to force Javascript), but I´m getting different results. The Flash Chart shows exactly what I want, but the Javascript Chart doesn't show percentage in labels, as shown in images. The showPercentageInLabel='1' doesn't work in Javascript? Tks! code: <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "myChartId1", "240", "240", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("../data/data.xml"); myChart.render("top5_pizza"); </script> data.xml: <chart animation='0' caption='Entradas' subcaption='Referenciado: 172' pieRadius='55' showPercentInToolTip='0' decimals='0' forceDecimals='0' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' slicingDistance='8' showPercentageInLabel='1' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='1' showLabels='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' startingAngle='90' showLegend='1' legendShadow = '0' legendBorderColor = 'ffffff' smartLineColor = 'ffffff'> <set label='Outros' value='72' color='E3E3E3' /> <set label='Referenciado' value='100' color='043C6B' isSliced = '1' /> </chart>