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Need to add the city as a marker on the map and support of zoom out/in

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We need to mark the cities like Atlanta etc. on the map.


Is there any predefined marker ids /entity ids can be used for this ?


Is it possible to calculate the x,y-coordinates on a map for cities, sites etc. if i have latitude/longitude?




Since in our case ,we don't know the location(locations are not predefined) and is created dynamically(using user's file data) so is there any way to calculate the x,y-coordinates on a map for cities based on any calculations/numbers for cities?




Is it is possible to have zoom out/in on the particular marker?







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I am afraid, FusionMaps does not support latitude/longitude calculations for places and Zoom functionality on maps, as of now.


Instead you can use Drill-down functionality to open other maps using Links on the markers.


Please refer to the following links for further details.


Hope this helps. :D

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