Multiseries Chart With Php Mysql

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Whats wrong with my code :



include ("koneksi.Php"); //connect to server


$strXML = "<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='1' showlegend='1' legendPosition='bottom' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'>";


//Now create a second query to get details for this factory

$strQuery = "SELECT SUM(qty) AS TotOutput,SUM(qty) + SUM(qty) AS TotOutput2,kd_brg FROM tjualtempjateng

WHERE kd_brg BETWEEN '1-01-05-005-001' AND '2-01-02-01-0020'

GROUP BY kd_brg ORDER BY kd_brg";

$result2 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());


$strCategories = "<categories>";

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strCategories .= "<category name='" . $ors2['kd_brg'] . "' />"; }

$strCategories .= "</categories>";


$strDataCurr = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput'>";

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr .= "</dataset>";


$strDataCurr2 = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput2'>";

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr2 .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput2'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr2 .= "</dataset>";





//Finally, close <chart> element

$strXML .= $strCategories . $strDataCurr . $strDataCurr2 . "</chart>";

echo renderChartHTML("Charts/MSColumn3D.swf", "", $strXML, "myNext", 1200, 500, false);




this result is empty chart, can you solve my problem?


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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Could you please send us the generated XML code to look into the issue?


The XML generation process of multi-series chart is same as single-series chart, All you need to do is to build proper XML from the database that you query from your database.


Multi-series charts have a different data format from the format of an XML for a single-series chart like pie.


To know about multi-series chart data format, please visit the link: http://www.fusioncha...ultiSeries.html


Hope this helps.

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I try to create xml from variable of php, like this


$strXML = "<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='1' showlegend='1' legendPosition='bottom' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'>";


$strQuery = "SELECT SUM(qty) AS TotOutput,SUM(qty) + SUM(qty) AS TotOutput2,kd_brg FROM tjualtempjateng

WHERE kd_brg BETWEEN '1-01-05-005-001' AND '2-01-02-01-0020'

GROUP BY kd_brg ORDER BY kd_brg";

$result2 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());




$strCategories = "<categories>"; // as <categories>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strCategories .= "<category name='" . $ors2['kd_brg'] . "' />"; }

$strCategories .= "</categories>"; // as </categories>




$strDataCurr = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput'>"; // as <dataset>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr .= "</dataset>"; // as </dataset>





$strDataCurr2 = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput2'>"; // as <dataset>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr2 .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput2'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr2 .= "</dataset>"; // as </dataset>







$strXML .= $strCategories . $strDataCurr . $strDataCurr2 . "</chart>";




so, my xml is same as $strXml,

For dataset1 is TotOutput and dataset2 is TotOutput2.

For data from dataset I use looping from execute $strQuery


(sorry if my english is not well)

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I try to create xml from variable of php, like this


$strXML = "<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='1' showlegend='1' legendPosition='bottom' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'>";


$strQuery = "SELECT SUM(qty) AS TotOutput,SUM(qty) + SUM(qty) AS TotOutput2,kd_brg FROM tjualtempjateng

WHERE kd_brg BETWEEN '1-01-05-005-001' AND '2-01-02-01-0020'

GROUP BY kd_brg ORDER BY kd_brg";

$result2 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());




$strCategories = "<categories>"; // as <categories>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strCategories .= "<category name='" . $ors2['kd_brg'] . "' />"; }

$strCategories .= "</categories>"; // as </categories>




$strDataCurr = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput'>"; // as <dataset>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr .= "</dataset>"; // as </dataset>





$strDataCurr2 = "<dataset seriesName='TotOutput2'>"; // as <dataset>

while($ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){

$strDataCurr2 .= "<set value='" . $ors2['TotOutput2'] . "' />"; }

$strDataCurr2 .= "</dataset>"; // as </dataset>







$strXML .= $strCategories . $strDataCurr . $strDataCurr2 . "</chart>";




so, my xml is same as $strXml,

For dataset1 is TotOutput and dataset2 is TotOutput2.

For data from dataset I use looping from execute $strQuery


(sorry if my english is not well)




friend, I have a problem same as yours, if you managed to solve, please send me the answer, I need a lot.



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Even I have the same problem. Could some one provide the solution with only PHP and mySQL without using XML content.






quote name='MichelBR' timestamp='1312830443' post='39492']

friend, I have a problem same as yours, if you managed to solve, please send me the answer, I need a lot.






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Guest Rishi Choudhari



Just change this -


$strCategories .= "<category name='" . $ors2['kd_brg'] . "' />"; }


to this


$strCategories .= "<category label='" . $ors2['kd_brg'] . "' />"; }

Edited by Rishi Choudhari

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Now with PHP I can solve My problem to.....

This is My code and working with multiseries charts.



include "koneksi.php"; //Connection to Database

include "FusionCharts.php"; //Charts


$strXML = "<chart caption='Customers by QTY' yAxisName='QTY' xAxisName='Customers' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='1' placeValuesInside='1' decimals='0' >"; //Start XML Code


connect_db(); //Call function of connection database

$strquery = "

SELECT kdpel,

SUM(CASE WHEN kd_brg = '2-01-02-01-0005' THEN qty ELSE 0 END) AS MKIOS_05,

SUM(CASE WHEN kd_brg = '2-01-02-01-0010' THEN qty ELSE 0 END) AS MKIOS_10,

SUM(CASE WHEN kd_brg = '2-01-02-01-0020' THEN qty ELSE 0 END) AS MKIOS_20

FROM importjual

WHERE (kd_brg BETWEEN '2-01-02-01-0005' AND '2-01-02-21-0100')

AND (qty BETWEEN '1000' AND '8000')

GROUP BY kdpel

LIMIT 0,10"; //String Query database


$query2 = mysql_query($strquery); //call string query


$strCategories = "<categories>"; //create categories

while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($query2))


$strCategories .= "<category label='" . $cat[0] . "' />"; //display categories


$strCategories .= "</categories>";


$query3 = mysql_query($strquery); //call string query

$K5 = "<dataset seriesName='MKIOS_05'>"; //create dataset

while ($MK5 = mysql_fetch_array($query3))


$K5 .= "<set value='" . $MK5[1] . "' />"; //display value of dataset


$K5 .= "</dataset>";


$query4 = mysql_query($strquery); //call string query

$K10 = "<dataset seriesName='MKIOS_10'>"; //create dataset

while ($MK10 = mysql_fetch_array($query4))


$K10 .= "<set value='" . $MK10[2] . "' />"; //display value of dataset


$K10 .= "</dataset>";


$query5 = mysql_query($strquery); //call string query

$K20 = "<dataset seriesName='MKIOS_20'>"; //create dataset

while ($MK20 = mysql_fetch_array($query5))


$K20 .= "<set value='" . $MK20[3] . "' />"; //display value of dataset


$K20 .= "</dataset>";


$strXML .= $strCategories . $K5 . $K10 . $K20 . "</chart>"; //end of XML


echo renderChart("Charts/MScolumn3d.swf", "", $strXML, "productSales", 1400, 500, false, false);




I hope it can help your problems

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