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Fusion Chart Generate Blank Image When Exported In Freebsd Server

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Are there any configuration that should be make on the server side?


in experimental i used apachetriad n worked fine. but when i export the php in freebsd server it failed. only show blank image instead of chart.


Thank you.

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Could you please elaborate your query a bit more?


Please send us a screenshot or any live link to look into the issue.


Awaiting for your response.

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i cant get the printscrint result from the implementation server.


but i tried to install new apache server on fedora, n the result is the same.

Fusion Charts does not generate image.


before i develope it using windows environment n it works fine.


here's the result on fedora i just installed.

i used the FusionCharts_EValuation example i got from FusionCharts website

on Fedora i install LAPP stack from bitnami

(*i also install wapp from bitnami on windows, and fusioncharts work fine.)


are there some configurations on the linux server that must be made or install something?


thank you for your respon


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i got this from FC's website, could you tell me how am i makesure my server's MIME is configured for SWF files?


thank you for your respond




Server Side Requirements:



None. FusionCharts runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix or any other server. Just make sure that your server's MIME is configured for SWF files to ensure proper streaming. Most servers come pre-configured for SWF files.



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here i coppied the mime.types file on /etc/cups/




# "$Id: mime.types 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $"


# MIME types file for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).



# VERSIONS OF CUPS. Instead, create a "local.types" file that

# reflects your local configuration changes.


# Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.

# Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products.


# These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the

# property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright

# law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"

# which should have been included with this file. If this file is

# file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".





# Format of Lines:


# super/type rules


# "rules" can be any combination of:


# ( expr ) Parenthesis for expression grouping

# + Logical AND

# , or whitespace Logical OR

# ! Logical NOT

# match("pattern") Pattern match on filename

# extension Pattern match on "*.extension"

# ascii(offset,length) True if bytes are valid printable ASCII

# (CR, NL, TAB, BS, 32-126)

# printable(offset,length) True if bytes are printable 8-bit chars

# (CR, NL, TAB, BS, 32-126, 128-254)

# string(offset,"string") True if bytes are identical to string

# istring(offset,"string") True if bytes are identical to

# case-insensitive string

# char(offset,value) True if byte is identical

# short(offset,value) True if 16-bit integer is identical

# int(offset,value) True if 32-bit integer is identical

# locale("string") True if current locale matches string

# contains(offset,range,"string") True if the range contains the string


# General Notes:


# MIME type names are case-insensitive. Internally they are converted

# to lowercase. Multiple occurrences of a type will cause the provided

# rules to be appended to the existing definition. Type names are sorted

# in ascending order, so if two types use the same rules to resolve a type

# (e.g. doc extension for two types), the returned type will be the first

# type in the sorted list.


# The "printable" rule differs from the "ascii" rule in that it also

# accepts 8-bit characters in the range 128-255.


# String constants must be surrounded by "" if they contain whitespace.

# To insert binary data into a string, use the <hex> notation.





# Application-generated files...



#application/msword doc string(0,<D0CF11E0A1B11AE1>)

application/pdf pdf string(0,%PDF)

application/postscript ai eps ps string(0,%!) string(0,<04>%!) \

contains(0,128,<1B>%-12345X) + \

(contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE=POSTSCRIPT") \

contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE = Postscript") \

contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE = PostScript") \

contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE = POSTSCRIPT") \

(contains(0,4096,<0a>%!) + \

!contains(0,4096,"ENTER LANGUAGE")))

application/vnd.hp-HPGL hpgl \

string(0,<1B>E<1B>%0B) \

string(0,<1B>%-1B) string(0,<201B>)\

string(0,BP;) string(0,IN;) string(0,DF;) \

string(0,BPINPS;) \

(contains(0,128,<1B>%-12345X) + \

(contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE=HPGL") \

contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE = HPGL")))




# Image files...



image/gif gif string(0,GIF87a) string(0,GIF89a)

image/png png string(0,<89>PNG)

image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe string(0,<FFD8FF>) &&\

(char(3,0xe0) char(3,0xe1) char(3,0xe2) char(3,0xe3)\

char(3,0xe4) char(3,0xe5) char(3,0xe6) char(3,0xe7)\

char(3,0xe8) char(3,0xe9) char(3,0xea) char(3,0xeb)\

char(3,0xec) char(3,0xed) char(3,0xee) char(3,0xef))

image/tiff tiff tif string(0,MM<002A>) string(0,II<2A00>)

image/x-photocd pcd string(2048,PCD_IPI)

image/x-portable-anymap pnm

image/x-portable-bitmap pbm string(0,P1) string(0,P4)

image/x-portable-graymap pgm string(0,P2) string(0,P5)

image/x-portable-pixmap ppm string(0,P3) string(0,P6)

image/x-sgi-rgb rgb sgi bw icon short(0,474)

image/x-xbitmap xbm

image/x-xpixmap xpm ascii(0,1024) + string(3,"XPM")

#image/x-xwindowdump xwd string(4,<00000007>)

image/x-sun-raster ras string(0,<59a66a95>)


#image/fpx fpx

image/x-alias pix short(8,8) short(8,24)

image/x-bitmap bmp string(0,BM) && !printable(2,14)

image/x-icon ico




# Text files...



application/x-cshell csh printable(0,1024) + string(0,#!) +\

(contains(2,80,/csh) contains(2,80,/tcsh))

application/x-perl pl printable(0,1024) + string(0,#!) +\


application/x-shell sh printable(0,1024) + string(0,#!) +\

(contains(2,80,/bash) contains(2,80,/ksh)\

contains(2,80,/sh) contains(2,80,/zsh))

application/x-csource c cxx cpp cc C h hpp \

printable(0,1024) + \

(string(0,/*) string(0,//)

string(0,#include) contains(0,1024,<0a>#include) \

string(0,#define) contains(0,1024,<0a>#define))

text/html html htm printable(0,1024) +\

(istring(0,"<HTML>") istring(0,"<!DOCTYPE"))

text/plain txt printable(0,1024)

text/css css





# RSS feed type...



application/rss+xml rss





# CUPS-specific types...



application/vnd.cups-command string(0,'#CUPS-COMMAND')

application/vnd.cups-form string(0,"<CUPSFORM>")



application/vnd.cups-ppd ppd string(0,"*PPD-Adobe:")

application/vnd.cups-raster string(0,"RaSt") string(0,"tSaR")

application/vnd.cups-raw (string(0,<1B>E) + !string(2,<1B>%0B)) \

string(0,<1B>@) \

(contains(0,128,<1B>%-12345X) + \

(contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE=PCL") \

contains(0,4096,"LANGUAGE = PCL")))




# Raw print file support...


# Comment the following type to prevent raw file printing.






# End of "$Id: mime.types 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $".


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Guest Rishi Choudhari

Anybody would help?


Hi byru,


Sorry we couldn't get back to you earlier.


The terminal output that you pasted here is for the MIME types to be understood by the print server, not the Apache server. Making any changes there would not reflect anything on your webpages.


You would need to change or add the MIME type for Flash files in your Apache configuration file.



1. cd into your Apache conf/ directory. On my server, this directory is located at


, so I would type:

cd /usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/


2. Load the file into your text editor. You will see that all the mime.types on the server are listed alphabetically. Page down until you see where you want to insert the mime type for flash.


3. Add a new line that reads

 	application/x-shockwave-flash    swf


4. Save the file.


Go here for further details.


It seems rather strange that your Apache does not handle SWF files by default.


Try this out, and get back to us here in the forums. We'll be glad to help you out.

Edited by Rishi Choudhari

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thank you ..

i've gone to the directory n open the file mime.types.


n it's already there

the : application/x-shockwave-flash swf



n the image is still blank



is it because i use fedora 9??

or should i install sumthing .. thx before.

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i add: "addType application/x-shockwave-flash swf" in httpd.conf restart the httpd


plus i already try to install adobe flash player from adobe for linux i386

rpm -ivh adobe ...rpm


still can not display



ok i try to restart the server

n now it works ..

thanks fusion chart .. :D


i guess all i need is to make sure flashplayer already install in my server :D


but i have not try to open the web from other pc.

so far so good in server's browser

Edited by byru

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