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Fusion Charts Removes Plus Sign From Label

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HI all,


Wondering if anyone can help. Something in Fusion Charts removes the + sign from my chart labels.


I'm building a chart for a client who needs it sorted into Age Groups and the last age group is 60+. Fusion Charts displays this as 60.


I've experimented with it and found that Fusion Charts is trimming anything occurring after the + sign in the label



60+ => 60

60+1 => 60

60+abc => 60


Any thoughts on how I can get around this?




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Hi Tony,


I'm afraid, I'm unable to replicate the issue.


Could you please try using the following code snippet:

<set label="<60" value='420000' />

<set label='60' value='910000' />

<set label='60+' value='720000' />


Please check with attached screenshot.


I hope this helps.:)




  On 8/25/2011 at 4:07 AM, tharcourt said:

HI all,


Wondering if anyone can help. Something in Fusion Charts removes the + sign from my chart labels.


I'm building a chart for a client who needs it sorted into Age Groups and the last age group is 60+. Fusion Charts displays this as 60.


I've experimented with it and found that Fusion Charts is trimming anything occurring after the + sign in the label



60+ => 60

60+1 => 60

60+abc => 60


Any thoughts on how I can get around this?





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I'm using the free version of the charts and am having a similar problem. I came across this thread whilst searching for an answer.

I am using the FCF_StackedColumn2D and one of my series names is called "tackle +" and the plus does not show in the legend!


My line is:


<dataset seriesName='tackles +' color='FF9933' showValues='0'>


Any ideas?



Edited by Bex

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


I am afraid, we are unable to replicate the issue, as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


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  On 8/25/2011 at 8:47 AM, Angshu said:



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


I am afraid, we are unable to replicate the issue, as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.





Thanks for your response! Well it's definitely not working for me!

Would it make any difference that I am using the free version (downloaded last week)


My Xml is:


<graph caption='Tackle Efficiency' subCaption='' yAxisMaxValue='100.000001' decimalPrecision='0' showNames='1' numberSuffix='%25' rotateNames='1' formatNumberScale='0' numDivLines='4' >
   <category name='Nm1'/>
   <category name='NM2'/>
   <category name='Nm3'/>
   <category name='NM4'/>
   <category name='NM5'/>
   <category name='NM6'/>
   <category name='NM7'/>
   <category name='NM8'/>
   <category name='NM9'/>
 </categories><dataset seriesName='Tackle -' color='1941A5' showValues='0'>
   <set value='30.3370786516854'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='22.7848101265823'/>
   <set value='20'/>
   <set value='24.1758241758242'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
 </dataset><dataset seriesName='Tackles 0' color='FF9933' showValues='0'>
   <set value='57.3033707865169'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='40.5063291139241'/>
   <set value='66.6666666666667'/>
   <set value='64.8351648351648'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
 </dataset><dataset seriesName='Tackle +' color='669900' showValues='0'>
   <set value='12.3595505617978'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='36.7088607594937'/>
   <set value='13.3333333333333'/>
   <set value='10.989010989011'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>
   <set value='0'/>



The swf file is: FCF_StackedColumn2D.swf

(I'm rendering it via c#)


An Image of my graph is attached.






Edited by Bex

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Guest Angshu



I am afraid, We are not able to replicate the issue, as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the latest js file and the screenshot attached for your reference.


You would need to copy the js file in your folder where the swf file resides.


Hope this helps.


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  On 8/25/2011 at 10:55 AM, Angshu said:



I am afraid, We are not able to replicate the issue, as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the latest js file and the screenshot attached for your reference.


You would need to copy the js file in your folder where the swf file resides.


Hope this helps.


Very very strange!


Added the javascript you sent! Made no difference! Still no +



I know it's working for you..

Admittedly "Work's for me" is my favourite line, but as the original opener of this thread seems to have the same problem there must be something wrong somewhere!


Anything else I can check?

Edited by Bex

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Guest Angshu



Could you please confirm whether you are using dataURL() or dataXML() method?


In case you are using dataXML() method, please try the same by replacing the + sign with "%2B" .

ex: <dataset seriesName='tackles %2B' color='FF9933' showValues='0'>


Hope this helps.

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  On 8/25/2011 at 11:30 AM, Angshu said:



Could you please confirm whether you are using dataURL() or dataXML() method?


In case you are using dataXML() method, please try the same by replacing the + sign with "%2B" .

ex: <dataset seriesName='tackles %2B' color='FF9933' showValues='0'>


Hope this helps.


Thank you! :) that works!

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Guest Angshu



Glad to know that you have managed to resolve your problem.


Happy FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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