
Not Able To Use Setdataxml

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I am trying to pass an XML stream to a FusionChart and running into some issues. The chart fails to load on the page and I cannot find any errors


Controller code grabbing the XML from an external URL:


data_url = "https://[removed]/run/custom.xml?start=#{@start_week}&end=#{@end_week}&x=daychart=line&application=#{@application}".html_safe

data_uri = URI::escape(data_url)
@response = RestClient.get(data_uri)
Rails.logger.debug("Data: " + @response.inspect)




View Code to invoke the Chart:



    var chart = new FusionCharts("/charts/MSLine.swf", "quality_center_stats", "700", "400", "1", "0");
    chart.setDataXML("<%= @response %>");


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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Could you please send us the generated XML code to look into the issue?


Please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using.


Awaiting for your response.

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Thank you for the response. I appreciate it. It turns out I was passing in a hash of the XML itself and not the XML generated by the outside api. Once I corrected that everything worked fine. Please chalk this up to User Error.






Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Could you please send us the generated XML code to look into the issue?


Please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using.


Awaiting for your response.

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Guest Angshu



Thank you very much for your appreciation and valuable feedback.


Glad to know that you have managed to resolve your problem.


Happy FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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