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Firefox Flash Refresh Problem

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I used the power chart Spline.swf by json in firefox 6.02 .


my code:

var switchCpuChart = new FusionCharts("/fusioncharts/PowerCharts/Spline.swf", "switchCpuChartId", "320", "170", "0", "1");

var cpuDataUrl = escape("createCpuUsage.action?switchIp="+switchIp+"&chartTimeLength=" + chartTimeLength);





When I go into the chart page, the chart display OK.


but when I drag the dragging bar , the chart show no data to display, but IE chrome is OK. post-7925-0-43774400-1316671125_thumb.png post-7925-0-48236700-1316671621_thumb.png


Why this ?


The debug message show you:


The first


#7 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "beforeinitialize" event.

#8 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "initialized" event.

#9 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataloadrequested" event.

#29 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataloadrequestcompleted" event.

#30 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "beforedataupdate" event.

#32 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "dataupdated" event.


The second


#134 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "rendered" event.

#135 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "drawcomplete" event.

#136 [switchCpuUsageId] fired "nodatatodisplay" event.



please help me !!!

Edited by zhenghaoju

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us The XML code to test it from our end?


Awaiting for your response.

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Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us The XML code to test it from our end?


Awaiting for your response.


I use JSON method.


This the JSON Data.


{"chart":{"adjustDiv":"0","anchorAlpha":"0","baseFontColor":"363636","bgAlpha":"100","bgColor":"#EEECEB","canvasBgColor":"FFFFFF","canvasBorderColor":"9ca1a6","canvasBorderThickness":"1","canvasRightMargin":"10","caption":"CPU 使用率","chartLeftMargin":"0","chartRightMargin":"20","chartTopMargin":"0","clickURL":"j-popupBigChartWindow-createCpuUsage","decimals":"0","divLineDashGap":"2","divLineDashLen":"4","divLineIsDashed":"1","doughnutRadius":"60","forceDecimals":"1","forceYAxisValueDecimals":"1","formatNumberScale":"0","labelDisplay":"none","lineColor":"69AC57","numDivLines":"4","numVDivLines":"4","numberSuffix":"%","numberprefix":"","pieRadius":"60","plotFillColor":"58A344","plotGradientColor":"58A344","showAlternateVGridColor":"1","showBorder":"1","showToolTip":"","showZeroPies":"0","showpercentvalues":"","showplotborder":"0","showvalues":"0","slantLabels":"","useRoundEdges":"","vDivLineIsDashed":"0","xaxisname":"","yAxisMaxValue":"100","yAxisMinValue":"0","yAxisValueDecimals":"1","yaxisname":""},"data":[{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:10","toolText":"","value":"38.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:15","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:20","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:25","toolText":"","value":"37.00"}]}



I think this is not a chart data problem.

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I got the same error here, but only if using JSON (the same dataset in XML format will not trigger the bug).


To trigger the bug:

  1. Display a chart using JSON data in Firefox.
  2. Hide and show the chart container object
    (for example, using jQuery: $('#chartContainer').hide(); $('#chartContainer').show();)


  1. Call MyChart.render('chartContainer') after $('#chartContainer').show() or any function related to the chart container visibility.


I guess the flash movie will try to reload data from the server, but is unable to parse JSON.


Using FireBug "Network" pane I was able to confirm the JSON data is reloaded. The JSON reloaded is valid, but the flash movie will display only "No data to display". If you hit F5 or the reload buttom, the chart will display OK (because data will be translated from JSON to XML by the 'render' method).





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