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Php Class With Power Charts?

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Is it possible to use charts from the Power Charts package with the PHP Class of Fusion Charts v3? (The chart I'm specifically after is the spline chart to replace my hard edged line graphs)




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Hi Chris,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


PowerCharts, like FusionCharts, can be used with PHP class. Spline chart could be created in a similar manner using FusionCharts v3.


I hope this helps.:)

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Thanks for the response. How can I get the PHP class to work with the charts from PowerCharts? When I tried to just switch the type over the PHP class did not know what "Spline" was and I can't find any example of a power chart being generated using the PHP class to reference.



Hi Chris,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


PowerCharts, like FusionCharts, can be used with PHP class. Spline chart could be created in a similar manner using FusionCharts v3.


I hope this helps.:)

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


PowerCharts, like FusionCharts, can be used in any web scripting language (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails etc.) and accept data from any database.


For more details, Please visit :http://www.fusioncha...SideScripts.htm


To know more about FusionCharts PHP class, please visit the links below:









Hope this helps.

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