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Links Support In Gauges

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Is it possible to support links in Gauges, like in other Fusion Charts types,



set label="Password Reset Request" value="1" isSliced="0" link="JavaScript:myJS('Password Reset Request,1');" />


I'm trying to implement a Drill-down functionality from a Gauge in our application. And I was not able to find a way.


Appreciate any help.




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Hi Vinoo,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


Angular Gauge and Linear Gauge does support the link attribute.


Ref. Code:

<dial value='92' rearExtension='10' link="" /> would create a link to the FusionWidgets Angular Gauge.


Foe more information on "JavaScript Functions as Links", please refer the following link:


I hope this helps.:)

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Thanks Radis.


I was able to get the Javascript working with Angular Guage ( Dials ). However the same approach did not for the linearGauge.


Here is the XML I used with HLinearGauge.swf chart type,

<chart lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" numberSuffix="%25" decimalPrecision="0" ledGap="0" ledSize="2" ledBoxBgColor="333333" ledBorderColor="666666" borderThickness="5" chartLeftMargin="25" chartRightMargin="25" baseFontColor="333333" ticksBelowGauge="0">


<color minValue="0" maxValue="30" code="FF0000" link='j-mytestJS-test1, 135'/>

<color minValue="30" maxValue="50" code="FFFF00" link='j-mytestJS-test2, 235'/>

<color minValue="50" maxValue="100" code="00FF00" link='j-mytestJS-test3, 435'/>






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Thanks Angshu.


I was able to get the links working with pointers in Linear Gauge. But we figured this is not exactly what we wanted to do. For our use case, we want to allow users to click on the regions itself, instead of having to click the pointer. eg: We will be rendering "High Medium Low" percentage buckets and allow the user to drill down on a particular bucket to see the details.


This lead us to try LED Gauge in place of Linear Gauge. But here also, we did not see the link property option ( Javascript ).


So can you please let us know whether link property is supported in LED gauges? If so can you provide us a sample.


Appreciate all your help.




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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, LED gauges does not support the link attribute, at this time.sad.gif


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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