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Can any help me to implement Vtrendline in multiline fusion chart. PFA having the expected output. Please let me know is it possible in MSLine.swf? If it is not possible how can we simulate it. Please help me.And also the implementaion required text in the middle of Graph.Is this possible? post-20241-0-28266200-1318582974_thumb.jpg

Edited by explore

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I am afraid, Multi-series Line chart does not support vTrendlines, as of now. :(


However, you can provide vertical lines using <vLine> element in the <categories> element.



Also, you can try using Scatter chart with "drawLine" attribute set to '1' in order to plot vertical trendlines on the chart.



Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks for your Quick response. So i want to change the SWF file to get this achievable right? ok I will try that with the attribute. but can you please help me that how can we add a text in the Middle part of Graph, I mean in the Graph background? If it is possible then at least I can draw a vertical line in the Graph and I can place the Text in both the side of the lines? is it possible in the MSLine.swf?

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Could you please try creating an image file containing the text and embed into the FusionCharts using bgImage property of <chart> element?


I hope this helps.

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Thanks. It works. but we want to show the Vertical line and the text content Dynamicaly. So the BackGround Image cann't implement for my requirement..:( any alternate suggessions?

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