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Gantt Chart Categories Generation

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Is there a method, a tool a script any kind of solution to generate the <categories> dynamically ?

I know the first date and the last date of my tasks.

I need a <category> per month for this period that can cover many years.


Any helpers to do that ?

Any solution to dynamically generate this example:


<category start="2011/10/01" end="2011/10/31" label="September 2011"/>

<category start="2011/11/01" end="2011/11/30" label="November 2011"/>

<category start="2011/12/01" end="2011/12/31" label="December 2011"/>

<category start="2012/01/01" end="2012/01/31" label="January 2012"/>

<category start="2012/02/01" end="2012/02/29" label="February 2012"/>

<category start="2012/03/01" end="2012/03/31" label="March 2012"/>

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


You would need to create/write your own code in order to suffice your requirement.

In case you want to generate dynamic data from database, please follow the steps below:

1.Initiate database connection in your server side script.

2. Retrieve the data from database that you wish to show on the chart.

3. Generate chart data (XML or JSON) by iterating through each record. This can be either done using simple String concatenation or, using XML. if your server-side scripts support the same. For ASP and PHP, we've APIs that help you convert arrays and recordsets into FusionCharts XML format.

4. Provide the chart data to the chart as string/URL. No need to save/store them on server as physical files; you can virtually relay them.

Hope this helps.

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