
Page Crash In Ie7 / Ie8

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Hey everyone,


We are loading a number of 3D Bar Charts inside a tabbed iFrame on our page. When the page loads in IE9, everything works just fine. In IE7, IE8 or IE9 compatibility mode, the page freezes and eventually prompts the user to stop the script from continuing to run.


I have attached the HTML file that loads the iFrames, as well as the page inside the iFrame that calls the FusionChart.



Please, please, please take a look at this ASAP. We are a paying customer, and we have a deadline to present this page to a customer this week.




Christopher A. Eirich

Tuff Risk




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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Could you please confirm the FusionCharts version and system environment you are using?


Awaiting for your response.

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Hi Angshu,


We are using FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) (20th September, 2011).


The XML and FusionCharts files are hosted on the Windows 2003 Server. The page that the charts are displayed on is accessible only via a Juniper MAG Series SSL VPN Gateway.


I have attempted visiting the page on using XP, Vista, and Windows 7 using IE7, IE8 and IE9.


The charts worked fine until we loaded them into the iFrame at the top of the page (see attached image). When I remove the charts from the iFrame, the page does not freeze. The charts in the iFrames in the leftmost column do not impact the loading of the page (they load just fine).


I can only presume it has something to do with the iFrame code. Can you please provide some feedback on this?




Christopher A. Eirich


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