
Multiseries With Discontinuous Data Configuration Problem

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we use a scroll-bar chart with multiple series data. Some data are not available and therefore I put null for it.

I need to not show the blank space for the null value. At the moment the chart preserver space for the column which cannot be rendered and there is just space.

Also in this situation labels seem to be misplaced to the user. Even though, technically speaking they are right.


See the screenshot attached. There are 2 series. You can observe the label for third data set.


Is there a XML configuration which I could turned on/off?


best regards,

Martin Zdarsky


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Guest Angshu


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif

By default, chart preserves space for the column which cannot be rendered.

In line chart, there is an attribute connectNullData which lets you control whether empty data sets in your data will be connected to each other OR would they appear as broken data sets.

This attribute is valid for all the line and area charts.

For more details, please visit: http://www.fusioncha...d/DiscData.html

Hope this helps.

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I'm afraid, it would be impossible to avoid the label for a particular data-set element with null value. Using Multi-series data, the labels are displayed according to the label mentioned in the category element.


Also could you please try once avoiding the label rotation, so the labels would be displayed in common for both data sets? Or if you would to like to avoid label for null data sets, showLabel attribute has to be set to 0 for that particular category element?


I hope this helps :).

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I'm interested especially in bar charts. Let say that I have a chart which shows months on axis x. There will be 3 datasets -> I should have 3 values for each month. -> Each month should have 3 bar drawn (each different color).

In case there is 2 values missing (null) for example for September then under the September there will be space for two bars and the third bar will be drawn. The label "September" will be drawn on the left side of the drawn bar. This is confusing for some people.


I need to compact the chart so that the September part will be wide for one bar. The spaces are unnecessary.

If there are all 3 values missing the space should be preserved for one bar in order to accommodate the label "September".


Can this be achieved? If not, is there a way how to make this functionality into a next version?


We bought a support for fusion charts. Will it be of any use?


thank you,

Martin Zdarsky


  On 10/31/2011 at 7:15 AM, Angshu said:



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


By default, chart preserves space for the column which cannot be rendered.


In line chart, there is an attribute connectNullData which lets you control whether empty data sets in your data will be connected to each other OR would they appear as broken data sets.


This attribute is valid for all the line and area charts.


For more details, please visit: http://www.fusioncha...d/DiscData.html


Hope this helps.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.


We will get back to you once there is any news from our end.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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