Upendar Srirangam Report post Posted November 1, 2011 Hi, we are using Fusion Charts licensed version. For MSCombi2D chart we set the attribute YaxisMaxValue to a value. It is causing the Yaxis values disappear. It is displaying only Min and max values of yAxis and rest of the values are hidden. We appreciate quick resolution. Below is the XML data. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><chart AdjustDiv="1" AlternateHGridColor="000000,000000" Animation="0" BGAlpha="100,100" BGColor="000000" BaseFont="arial" BaseFontColor="FFFFFF" BaseFontSize="9" CanvasBGAlpha="000000" CanvasBGColor="000000" CanvasPadding="40" ConnectNullData="0" DefaultAnimation="0" DivLineColor="555555" DivLineIsDashed="0" DivLineThickness="1" DrawAnchors="1" ExportAction="Save" ExportAtClient="0" ExportDataFormattedVal="0" ExportDataQualifier="Tab" ExportDataSeparator="Tab" ExportEnabled="0" ExportShowMenuItem="0" ExportTargetWindow="Self" ForceDecimals="0" FormatNumber="1" FormatNumberScale="1" LabelDisplay="Wrap" LegendAllowDrag="0" LegendBGAlpha="100" LegendBGColor="000000" LegendBorderColor="000000" LegendBorderThickness="0" LegendMarkerCircle="0" LegendPosition="Bottom" LegendShadow="1" LineDashGap="0" LineDashLen="10" LineDashed="0" LineThickness="1" LogoPosition="TL" NumberPrefix="$" OutCnvBaseFont="arial" OutCnvBaseFontSize="10" OverlapColumns="0" Palette="1" PaletteColors="002776,92D400,FFFFFF,00A1DE" PlotBorderColor="ffffff" PlotSpacePercent="40" ReverseLegend="0" RotateLabels="0" RotateValues="0" RotateYAxisName="1" SFormatNumber="1" SFormatNumberScale="1" SeriesNameInToolTip="1" SetAdaptiveSYMin="0" SetAdaptiveYMin="0" ShowAboutMenuItem="1" ShowAlternateHGridColor="0" ShowBorder="0" ShowCanvasBG="1" ShowCanvasBase="0" ShowDivLineSecondaryValue="0" ShowDivLineValues="1" ShowExportDataMenuItem="0" ShowExportDialog="1" ShowLabels="1" ShowLegend="1" ShowLimits="1" ShowPlotBorder="1" ShowSecondaryLimits="0" ShowShadow="1" ShowToolTip="1" ShowToolTipShadow="0" ShowVLineLabelBorder="1" ShowValues="1" yAxisValuesStep="0" ShowYAxisValues="1" SlantLabels="0" ToolTipBGColor="000000" Use3DLighting="0" Use3DLineShift="0" YAxisMaxValue="418.275" YAxisValuesPadding="10" ZeroPlaneShowBorder="1" is2D="1" plotgradientcolor="" UseRoundEdges="0"><categories FontSize="10"><category Label="P 01" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 02" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 03" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 04" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 05" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 06" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 07" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 08" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 09" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 10" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 11" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 12" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 13" ShowLabel="1" /></categories><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="FY 11 Actual" ShowValues="0"><set Alpha="80" Value="168.01" /><set Alpha="80" Value="170.60" /><set Alpha="80" Value="170.19" /><set Alpha="80" Value="180.88" /><set Alpha="80" Value="174.14" /><set Alpha="80" Value="172.60" /><set Alpha="80" Value="176.38" /><set Alpha="80" Value="165.69" /><set Alpha="80" Value="170.88" /><set Alpha="80" Value="172.31" /><set Alpha="80" Value="164.28" /><set Alpha="80" Value="165.87" /><set Alpha="80" Value="164.72" /></dataset><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="FY 12 Actual" ShowValues="0"><set Alpha="80" Value="168.01" /><set Alpha="80" Value="154.49" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0.00" /><set Alpha="80" Value="380.25" /><set Alpha="80" Value="312.06" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /></dataset><dataset Alpha="100" RenderAs="Line" SeriesName="FY 12 Plan" ShowValues="0"><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /></dataset></chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angshu Report post Posted November 1, 2011 Hi, Thanks for your post. Please try the same by setting <adjustDiv='0'> attribute inside the <chart> element. FusionCharts automatically tries to adjust divisional lines and limit values based on the data provided. However, if you want to set your explicit lower and upper limit values and number of divisional lines, first set this attribute to false. That would disable automatic adjustment of divisional lines. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Upendar Srirangam Report post Posted November 1, 2011 It worked. Thank you very much for the quick response. Regards, Upendar. On 11/1/2011 at 10:35 AM, Angshu said: Hi, Thanks for your post. Please try the same by setting <adjustDiv='0'> attribute inside the <chart> element. FusionCharts automatically tries to adjust divisional lines and limit values based on the data provided. However, if you want to set your explicit lower and upper limit values and number of divisional lines, first set this attribute to false. That would disable automatic adjustment of divisional lines. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites