Upendar Srirangam Report post Posted November 2, 2011 (edited) HI, Can you please suggest any way that allows to specify colors for Bars. (For Javascript Charts) We have below chart where we have a single Series. As it is a single series we are getting same color for all the Categories-Plots. Is there any way that we can assign specific color to each bar. Appreciate quick response. Regards, Upendar. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><chart AdjustDiv="1" AlternateHGridColor="000000,000000" Animation="0" BGAlpha="100" BGColor="000000" BaseFont="arial" BaseFontColor="FFFFFF" BaseFontSize="9" CanvasBGAlpha="000000" CanvasBGColor="000000" CanvasPadding="40" Decimals="1" DefaultAnimation="0" DivLineColor="555555" DivLineIsDashed="0" DivLineThickness="1" ExportAction="Save" ExportAtClient="0" ExportDataFormattedVal="0" ExportDataQualifier="Tab" ExportDataSeparator="Tab" ExportEnabled="0" ExportShowMenuItem="0" ExportTargetWindow="Self" ForceDecimals="0" FormatNumber="1" FormatNumberScale="1" LabelDisplay="Wrap" LegendAllowDrag="0" LegendBGAlpha="100" LegendBGColor="000000" LegendBorderColor="CCCCCC" LegendBorderThickness="1" LegendMarkerCircle="0" LegendPosition="Bottom" LegendShadow="1" LogoPosition="TL" OutCnvBaseFont="arial" OutCnvBaseFontSize="10" Palette="1" PaletteColors="002776,92D400,00A1DE" PlaceValuesInside="0" PlotBorderColor="FFFFFF" PlotBorderDashGap="0" PlotBorderDashLen="0" PlotBorderDashed="0" PlotGradientColor="" PlotSpacePercent="40" ReverseLegend="0" RotateLabels="0" RotateValues="0" RotateYAxisName="1" SeriesNameInToolTip="1" SetAdaptiveYMin="0" ShowAboutMenuItem="0" ShowAlternateHGridColor="0" ShowBorder="1" ShowDivLineValues="1" ShowExportDataMenuItem="0" ShowExportDialog="1" ShowLabels="1" ShowLegend="0" ShowLimits="1" ShowPlotBorder="1" ShowShadow="0" ShowToolTip="1" ShowToolTipShadow="0" ShowVLineLabelBorder="1" ShowValues="1" ShowYAxisValues="1" SlantLabels="0" ToolTipBGColor="000000" ToolTipBorderColor="cccccc" Use3DLighting="0" UseRoundEdges="1" YAxisMaxValue="68.51629" YAxisMinValue="0" YAxisValuesPadding="10"><categories FontSize="10"><category Label="FY 11 Actual" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="FY 12 Actual" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="FY 12 Plan" ShowLabel="1" /></categories><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="YTD" ShowValues="0"><set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" /><set Alpha="80" Value="46.65305944099121" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /></dataset></chart> Edited November 2, 2011 by Upendar Srirangam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angshu Report post Posted November 2, 2011 Hi, Thanks for your post. Please try the same by setting <color> attribute inside the <set> element of your XML code. Ex: <set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" color="FFFF000"/> For multi-series charts, you can define the color of data-sets at dataset level. However, if you wish to highlight a particular data element, you can specify its color at "set" level using this attribute. This attribute accepts hex color codes without #. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Upendar Srirangam Report post Posted November 2, 2011 Thanks for the Reply. Regards, Upendar On 11/2/2011 at 8:49 AM, Angshu said: Hi, Thanks for your post. Please try the same by setting <color> attribute inside the <set> element of your XML code. Ex: <set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" color="FFFF000"/> For multi-series charts, you can define the color of data-sets at dataset level. However, if you wish to highlight a particular data element, you can specify its color at "set" level using this attribute. This attribute accepts hex color codes without #. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites