Upendar Srirangam

Specifying Columns Colors For A Column2D Chart

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Can you please suggest any way that allows to specify colors for Bars. (For Javascript Charts)

We have below chart where we have a single Series. As it is a single series we are getting same color for all the Categories-Plots.

Is there any way that we can assign specific color to each bar.

Appreciate quick response.







<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><chart AdjustDiv="1" AlternateHGridColor="000000,000000" Animation="0" BGAlpha="100" BGColor="000000" BaseFont="arial" BaseFontColor="FFFFFF" BaseFontSize="9" CanvasBGAlpha="000000" CanvasBGColor="000000" CanvasPadding="40" Decimals="1" DefaultAnimation="0" DivLineColor="555555" DivLineIsDashed="0" DivLineThickness="1" ExportAction="Save" ExportAtClient="0" ExportDataFormattedVal="0" ExportDataQualifier="Tab" ExportDataSeparator="Tab" ExportEnabled="0" ExportShowMenuItem="0" ExportTargetWindow="Self" ForceDecimals="0" FormatNumber="1" FormatNumberScale="1" LabelDisplay="Wrap" LegendAllowDrag="0" LegendBGAlpha="100" LegendBGColor="000000" LegendBorderColor="CCCCCC" LegendBorderThickness="1" LegendMarkerCircle="0" LegendPosition="Bottom" LegendShadow="1" LogoPosition="TL" OutCnvBaseFont="arial" OutCnvBaseFontSize="10" Palette="1" PaletteColors="002776,92D400,00A1DE" PlaceValuesInside="0" PlotBorderColor="FFFFFF" PlotBorderDashGap="0" PlotBorderDashLen="0" PlotBorderDashed="0" PlotGradientColor="" PlotSpacePercent="40" ReverseLegend="0" RotateLabels="0" RotateValues="0" RotateYAxisName="1" SeriesNameInToolTip="1" SetAdaptiveYMin="0" ShowAboutMenuItem="0" ShowAlternateHGridColor="0" ShowBorder="1" ShowDivLineValues="1" ShowExportDataMenuItem="0" ShowExportDialog="1" ShowLabels="1" ShowLegend="0" ShowLimits="1" ShowPlotBorder="1" ShowShadow="0" ShowToolTip="1" ShowToolTipShadow="0" ShowVLineLabelBorder="1" ShowValues="1" ShowYAxisValues="1" SlantLabels="0" ToolTipBGColor="000000" ToolTipBorderColor="cccccc" Use3DLighting="0" UseRoundEdges="1" YAxisMaxValue="68.51629" YAxisMinValue="0" YAxisValuesPadding="10"><categories FontSize="10"><category Label="FY 11 Actual" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="FY 12 Actual" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="FY 12 Plan" ShowLabel="1" /></categories><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="YTD" ShowValues="0"><set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" /><set Alpha="80" Value="46.65305944099121" /><set Alpha="80" Value="0" /></dataset></chart>

Edited by Upendar Srirangam

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Please try the same by setting <color> attribute inside the <set> element of your XML code.


Ex: <set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" color="FFFF000"/>


For multi-series charts, you can define the color of data-sets at dataset level. However, if you wish to highlight a particular data element, you can specify its color at "set" level using this attribute. This attribute accepts hex color codes without #.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the Reply.




  On 11/2/2011 at 8:49 AM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your post.


Please try the same by setting <color> attribute inside the <set> element of your XML code.


Ex: <set Alpha="80" Value="62.28753240758536" color="FFFF000"/>


For multi-series charts, you can define the color of data-sets at dataset level. However, if you wish to highlight a particular data element, you can specify its color at "set" level using this attribute. This attribute accepts hex color codes without #.


Hope this helps.

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