Upendar Srirangam

Plot Zero Value On Yaxis When Values Are In Negetive

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We are using Fusion Charts licensed version. For all the charts we are setting YaxisMaxValue and YAxisMinValue attributes.

When we set this, then value is varying from negative values to Positive values, Zero is missing. Is there anyway that we can mandate plotting Zero value on YAxis irrespective of YAxis Max and Min Values.

We appreciate quick response. Below is our sample data. (For Line Chart)

Note: We are using Javascript renderer as it is an IPad application.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><graph AdjustDiv="0" AlternateHGridColor="000000,000000" Animation="1" BGAlpha="100" BGColor="000000" BaseFont="arial" BaseFontColor="FFFFFF" BaseFontSize="11" CanvasBGColor="000000" CanvasPadding="40" ConnectNullData="0" Decimals="1" DefaultAnimation="1" DivLineColor="555555" DivLineIsDashed="0" DivLineThickness="2" DrawAnchors="1" ExportAction="Save" ExportAtClient="0" ExportDataFormattedVal="0" ExportDataQualifier="Tab" ExportDataSeparator="Tab" ExportEnabled="0" ExportShowMenuItem="0" ExportTargetWindow="Self" ForceDecimals="0" FormatNumber="1" FormatNumberScale="1" LabelDisplay="Wrap" LegendAllowDrag="0" LegendBGAlpha="100" LegendBGColor="000000" LegendBorderColor="cccccc" LegendBorderThickness="1" LegendMarkerCircle="0" LegendPosition="Bottom" LegendShadow="1" LineDashGap="5" LineDashLen="10" LineDashed="0" LineThickness="1" LogoPosition="TL" NumberSuffix="%" OutCnvBaseFont="arial" OutCnvBaseFontSize="10" Palette="1" PaletteColors="FFFFFF,00A1DE,92D400" PlaceValuesInside="0" ReverseLegend="0" RotateLabels="0" RotateValues="0" RotateYAxisName="1" SeriesNameInToolTip="1" SetAdaptiveYMin="0" ShowAboutMenuItem="0" ShowAlternateHGridColor="0" ShowAlternateVGridColor="0" ShowBorder="1" ShowDivLineValues="1" ShowExportDataMenuItem="0" ShowExportDialog="1" ShowLabels="1" ShowLegend="1" ShowLimits="1" ShowShadow="1" ShowToolTip="1" ShowToolTipShadow="0" ShowVLineLabelBorder="0" ShowValues="1" ShowYAxisValues="1" ShowZeroPlane="0" SlantLabels="0" ToolTipBGColor="000000" ToolTipBorderColor="cccccc" VDivLineIsDashed="0" YAxisMaxValue="41.327" YAxisMinValue="-30.24" YAxisValuesPadding="10" plotgradientcolor=""><categories FontSize="10"><category Label="P 3 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 4 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 5 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 6 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 7 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 8 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 9 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 10 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 11 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 12 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 13 " ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 1 <br/> FY 10" ShowLabel="1" /><category Label="P 2 " ShowLabel="1" /></categories><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="Total" ShowValues="0" anchorBgColor="FFFFFF" anchorBorderColor="FFFFFF"><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="5.08" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="5.21" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="4.11" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="3.77" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="3.09" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="2.55" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="1.56" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="0.47" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-0.20" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-0.51" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-0.16" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="0.32" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="0.49" /></dataset><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="US" ShowValues="0" anchorBgColor="00A1DE" anchorBorderColor="00A1DE"><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-23.14" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-23.57" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-25.14" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-26.59" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-28.14" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-29.95" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-30.05" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-30.24" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-29.72" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-30.19" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-29.21" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-27.37" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="-24.70" /></dataset><dataset Alpha="100" SeriesName="India" ShowValues="0" anchorBgColor="92D400" anchorBorderColor="92D400"><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="28.22" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="28.78" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="29.25" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="30.36" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="31.23" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="32.50" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="31.61" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="30.71" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="29.52" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="29.68" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="29.05" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="27.69" /><set Alpha="80" Color="" Value="25.19" /></dataset></graph>




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Hi Upendar,


Please note that you had set the attribute "showZeroPlane" to '0' in the <chart> element which is hiding the zero plane.


Could you please try setting the same attribute to '1' and see if that helps?


Hope this helps. :)

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Thank you very much for the quick response. The problem has been resolved.




Hi Upendar,


Please note that you had set the attribute "showZeroPlane" to '0' in the <chart> element which is hiding the zero plane.


Could you please try setting the same attribute to '1' and see if that helps?


Hope this helps. :)

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