Upendar Srirangam

Default Value Numdivlines

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Hi Fusion Charts team,

We are licensed user of Fusion Charts.

We need what is the default value for NumDivLines attribute for any chart. Please let us know the logic if possible.

We have an issue in one of our IPad application which MUST display Zero Plane.

When we are showing Zero plane, we also getting a div line at the value 0.2 which is causing overlapping the two div lines. We need to make the interval so that Zero should be one of the div lines.


We appreciate quick response on this.




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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us a screenshot or any live link of your requirement?


Awaiting for your response.

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Please find the attached screenshot.

We have set YAxisMax and YAxisMin (Which is must for some other requirement.)




  On 11/21/2011 at 11:37 AM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us a screenshot or any live link of your requirement?


Awaiting for your response.


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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Please note that the default value of <numDivLines> attribute is 4 in FusionCharts.


In FusionCharts, the axis limits encompasses all values present in the chart i.e., no data value can be below the minimum y-axis value or above maximum y-axis value - they have to be within the axis range. Even if you force an axis limit that is lower/higher than this, FusionCharts will automatically adjust it.


To avoid overlapping, please try by setting <showZeroPlane='0'> and <zeroPlaneAlpha='0'> attribute inside the <chart> element.


More details at : http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?AttDesc/ZeroPlane.html


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your swift response.

We cannot hide Zeroplane as client has requested to show ZeroPlane.

Is there any other solution you can suggest?




  On 11/21/2011 at 1:34 PM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your post.


Please note that the default value of <numDivLines> attribute is 4 in FusionCharts.


In FusionCharts, the axis limits encompasses all values present in the chart i.e., no data value can be below the minimum y-axis value or above maximum y-axis value - they have to be within the axis range. Even if you force an axis limit that is lower/higher than this, FusionCharts will automatically adjust it.


To avoid overlapping, please try by setting <showZeroPlane='0'> and <zeroPlaneAlpha='0'> attribute inside the <chart> element.


More details at : http://www.fusioncha.../ZeroPlane.html


Hope this helps.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, there is no possible workaround for this, as of now.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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